Life lessons learnt from my Basic Electronics Laboratory teacher

There are important lessons we learn from others that cannot be learnt from a book but only through realizations. There are some teachers who help us to realize such things through their actions. Lessons to lead our lives in a good way is necessary and in this essay, I am going to describe one such teacher whose actions inspired me to stay focused on the target.


Lab experiments are a part of the curriculum if you are studying science subjects and experiments are an integral part of any engineering branch. When you perform the experiment and see the results it gives more clarity about what you have studied in your textbooks. Interestingly, many times the results of the experiments vary from what we study in books for a couple of reasons which are explained by the teachers who conduct the practical classes. Experiments have a lot to do with observation and noting down any deviation for further study and the more you observe, the more are the chances of learning something new.

The term experiment

During the beginning, a couple of classes were conducted on the basic electrical circuits and functioning of the electronic devices and our teacher explained the topics lucidly. It was the experiment on Ohm's Law when we felt there is something special hidden in the term experiment. The experiment was quite simple but the results were quite confusing in the beginning. When I asked the teacher about the peculiar results he told us to take a couple of more readings and by the time he came to our desk to see how we are doing it. On finding everything was going on according to his instructions he told us to disassemble the circuit and start afresh. The result was still erratic and then he instructed us to go deeper to find the fault. He instructed us to check the functionality of the individual accessory used in the experiment including the connecting wires and ultimately it was found the power supply was not functioning correctly.

Lesson learnt

We learnt an important lesson from the experiment which is not related to the experiment itself but something more to it. The lesson is to conduct the experiment all the accessories have to work properly to get the desired result and if there is a mismatch in the result, we need to check at first whether all the accessories are functioning or not. This created a special interest in me to conduct experiments and after this incident unless the accessories are complex devices I used to check each accessory before conducting the experiment.

Importance of reaching the target

Another interesting part came up later on during the experiment on digital electronics where a kit used in the experiment started malfunctioning during the experiment. The teacher encouraged us in a great way and ultimately we repaired the kit first before conducting the experiment and it took really a long time to complete the experiment. We felt like we achieved something great since we spend long hours in the lab and under the guidance of our teacher repaired the kit with the available spares in the lab to perform the experiment. We understood when we need to reach the target we need to focus on the target without thinking much about how long it may take to achieve it. A great lesson learnt on that day was about the importance of reaching the target and remaining focused on it.


The teacher helped us to realise a lot of things beyond the lab experiments which are required in every sphere of life and because of this I always have a special regard for my teacher of Basic Electronics Lab.

Article by Sankalan Bhattacharya
Sankalan "Life is easier when you enjoy what you do"

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