An Overview of PBL for Remote Learning

PBL enhances deep learning through its interdisciplinary nature and methodology. Read this article to understand how it facilitates online learning and why it is should be the recommended way for online education.

The education system is changing and we are now focusing more on project-based learning (PBL). What is project-based learning? It is a teaching method that encourages learning by engaging with real-world activities. Hence, through meaningful projects, teachers make their sessions interesting.  
How does PBL work? With project-based learning, students are encouraged to work on a project for a week or so. They have to demonstrate their skills and knowledge as a presentation or working model to a real audience. Doing so will make students work on real-world issues and learn how to address them. You can visit to understand the ways to develop creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills through PBL. We effectively unleash creative and contagious energy between our students and teachers through project-based learning.  

What Are the Characteristics of Project-based Learning?

 1. Cross-disciplinary Nature
Project-based learning teaches students to use knowledge from various academic domains. This helps them to inquire more before arriving at solutions. The project-based learning approach uses multiple subjects to solve real-world challenges. Therefore, it helps students interconnect and gain in-depth knowledge about the subject.
2. Meticulous Learning
The challenges set by project-based learning will not just need recognition or retention of knowledge. It will require the application of skills and knowledge in day-to-day life. The first step in engagement will be through the process of inquiry. While students start to put on their thinking caps to inquire, they learn more about real-world applications. By doing so, they address every problem better and give impressive solutions for their project.
3. Independent Student-centered Learning
The role of a teacher in project-based learning shifts from lecturer to a facilitator. They coach students to work by themselves without seeking help from others. It develops a student-centered learning environment with the teacher guiding and supporting them.

How Does PBL Facilitate Online Learning?

After a pandemic, it is a worldwide rule that conventional learning does not stop with any calamity in life. Today's generation is getting the opportunity to learn by connecting with real-world problems. Therefore, PBL is an effective way to learn through an online setting. Let us see how.
a. Driving Question
Project-based learning revolves around driving questions. Due to this, they can work best even in a virtual environment. PBL aids science learning and makes children move from asking 'what' to 'how' and 'why'. However, children are more inclined to memorize facts in a traditional school environment. Whereas, in project-based learning, students will brainstorm to develop various possibilities for a problem.
b. In Search of Quest
A significant way to teach in project-based learning is by sending the students on a quest to come up with answers. Doing so will unleash the problem-solving skills, thereby making them more engaging. As they get tuned to discover, they will start having fun and exploring by themselves. The simple ways to make it happen are:
  • Ask them to research on websites and find answers to questions.
  • Invite guests whom students can interview during class sessions.
  • Encourage them to solve riddles and complete puzzles to increase focus.
c. Choice
Project-based learning is the best method to give students various choices to deliver solutions. Instead of restricting them to one methodology for sharing their ideas, it makes them creative. For example, when an assignment is given in a classroom, a child might:
  • Create a working model
  • Prepare a written document
  • Make a video or presentation
The highlighting feature of this approach is that it makes the students both excited and engaged. You can visit to witness how children become highly motivated and offer their best in every project work. Most importantly, PBL develops reasoning power and helps children learn from trial and error. They take an interest in experimenting to learn facts and become more creative in everything.

Ways to Boost Engagement With PBL

The tips given below work best with online and hybrid classroom sessions.
A. Be Mindful of the Devices Used
Teachers design projects that fit in a large screen like a computer or laptop during online sessions. But some students might be using smaller gadgets like mobiles or tabs. This can decrease student engagement while learning. Therefore, it is the teacher's responsibility to be mindful of the devices and plan sessions accordingly.
B. Videoconferencing to Replicate Real Experiences
It is best to use videoconferencing platforms to collaborate with excellent features. A traditional classroom has better connectivity with peers. Physical classroom involves frequent questioning, finding resources, and planning strategies. To replicate every experience, use online videoconferencing so that the kids do not lose anything.
C. Group Work With Project Management Tools
A project management tool is effective in increasing student engagement. It allows the staff to monitor their students and communicate efficiently with them. Most importantly, a project management tool will help students have all their resources stored in a single place.

D. Feedbacks & Reflection
A learning management network will permit teachers to conduct summative assessments for their students during PBL. It also helps them to conduct various formative activities in class. Students will question their classmates and discuss their progress with projects. This helps them to proceed with better interest. The most important aspect of a learning management system is that it makes children share their challenges and wins with their peers. Eventually, it allows them to perform better than the others and inculcates healthy competition.

Wrap Up

PBL is the meaningful curriculum for remote learning. It provides children with a better opportunity to connect even when they are physically next to them. Therefore, it is the need of the hour in today's world scenario. Every school and institution must create an excellent collaboration through remote learning.


Author: Sheo Shankar Jha19 Feb 2022 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 3

The success of PBL would largely depend upon the mentors since they are the better judge in assessing the strength of the students. The project must be designed in such ways which can provide enough scope to the students for their brainstorming activities. They would work independently but at the same time, free negotiations should proceed among themselves, as a team, so that new ideas emerge from such discussions.
The success of the team depends upon the active participation of all including the mentor of the team. The sole objective of PBL should be to encourage the students to come out with ideas that originate from their deep thinking.

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