How to use Google forms for quizzes or exams purpose

This article gives a step-by-step method to use the Google form features to create quizzes or exams for school or college students. Read the following article to know about this free Google tool i.e. Google form.

Currently, the world is facing a COVID pandemic, and schools and colleges are running on online mode i.e. by virtual mode through Zoom app, Google Meet, Team, etc. The existing examination system of schools or colleges consists of written exams taken physically but due to COVID, students are not allowed for such exams in offline mode. It is rightly said that when there is an issue or problem, there will be a solution if one finds it. The Google classroom is also one of such tools that is being used by many teachers-students. One of such solutions for the exam is 'Google forms' which is a free service provided by Google. Basically, it allows to input questions and their answers/responses in a given template. The generated form is then sent to the students or person from whom the data is to be asked. Read the following section of the article to get aware of Google forms.

Google forms and its features

The Google form is an online interface that allows the user or teacher to generate a form that contains questions and the answers to get the required data. The Google form has an in-built 'Blank Quiz' template. This template has a built-in feature that can help an examiner to give points/marks to a particular question. The Google from page consists of 'Questions', Responses, and Setting tabs during the making of the form. The Question tab allows the user to enter questions and options. The responses from the students are collected in the Responses tab. With the 'Settings' tab, the user can change the default setting and do the necessary changes as per the requirements.

Google form question entry

To start making a quiz, the user has to select the 'blank quiz' template and start adding necessary details to it. The user should give quiz names and descriptions or instructions for the students. Users can click on the 'add question' button and start adding questions. There are various ways by which one can add questions. The type of question can be either 'Short answer', 'Paragraph', 'Multiple Choice', 'Check Boxed', 'drop-down', 'file upload', 'linear scale', 'Multiple-Choice Grid', 'Tick Box Grid', 'Date' and 'Time'.

Google form quiz

If a user wants to get name, division, roll number, etc information, he or she should select the type of question as 'short paragraph'. For details or narration, the user can select the question's answer as 'paragraph'. Even users can insert an image to give more details to that question. One can also give multiple choices for MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type quiz.

Example of Google Quiz

For example, To generate a quiz for a Science subject, use the following features to generate a quiz.

These first two questions will introduce the quiz to the students.
1. Form name: Science Quiz - 2022
2. Form description: This is a science quiz of 10 marks. The time limit is 15 minutes. Attempt all the questions. All the questions are compulsory. No negative marking.

Next four questions, ask for student details:
3. "Add question" , select "Short Paragraph" - (Student Name)
4. "Add question" , select "Short Paragraph" - (Std)
5. "Add question" , select "Short Paragraph" - (Division)
6. "Add question" , select "Short Paragraph" - (Roll Number)

Adding question to google form quiz

The quiz question starts from now.
7. "Add question" -, select "Multiple choice" - (What is the color of the Sun when it rises in the east?)
Enter the options one by one by clicking "add option", Orange, Yellow, Green, White
Now select a correct answer by clicking on 'answer key' and assign point or mark to it as "1" or "2"
You should select "Required" to make a question compulsory.

Repeat such a question entry till you complete 10 questions (1 mark for each question).
Once the quiz-making process is over, you can share the link at the starting of quiz time to students by sharing via email or by a direct link to them on their WhatsApp or mobile or any means. Once they get it, students will start the quiz and should end within the given time limit.

Settings in Google form

Being a form creator, the user/teacher has a time-stamp for each student's response in excel in CSV form. Student can see their marks if the teacher has allowed Google form to display the marks. The system automatically generates the marks based on the correctness of the response. If a teacher wants the student to attempt for once, he can turn on the option, limited to 1 response. The correct answers will be displayed after students submit the quiz if an appropriate setting is turned ON. By default, missed questions will be displayed by the quiz interface. This quiz can be even embedded into HTML form on a blog or website page.

Apart from these settings, the user has options like 'Customize theme', 'undo-redo', 'Preview', and Send.
If a user wants to generate a similar quiz with some minor changes, he or she can can 'Make a copy of the exiting quiz by selecting the 'Make a copy' option in the setting (three dots in the dashboard, more). Users can share the form with other users and give them access by the "Add collaborator" option.


Google form is a very handy tool for teachers who want to test their students by online modes. Automatic marking is done once the student submits it. This is the most widely used tool nowadays in schools and colleges when the exam is to be conducted online.

Article by Dr. Paresh Gujarati
The author is a mechanical engineer (B. E., M. Tech., Ph. D.) by profession and has a passion to write a simple but effective content that can help every layman to know more.

Follow Dr. Paresh Gujarati or read 124 articles authored by Dr. Paresh Gujarati


Author: Dev Arora05 Feb 2022 Member Level: Gold   Points : 2

A very nice article by the author explaining the working of Google forms most simply. With lockdown, schools are closed and this is the best tool for teachers to conduct tests but those teachers who are not so tech-savvy found themselves handicapped on platforms like google forms. Also, some know it but they are unaware of many functions of it as it provides a variety of options to the creator of the quiz. So, this article is very beneficial for all such people who are unaware of working on google forms.

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