RBSE 10th, 12th Result 2022
Are you looking for Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education 10th and 12th Examination Results online? The Board will announce them soon and you can read this article to know how to check the result and contact info etc.
The Board of Secondary Education, Ajmer, Rajasthan, RBSE will soon declare the 12th and 10th examinations result online. There were around 19+ lakhs candidates who appeared for the same.
The Rajasthan Board has confirmed that the RBSE results for both Class 10th and Class 12 board exams 2022 is going to announce by the end of this month though the date is yet to be confirmed and official.
If you are one of the applicants and eagerly waiting for the subject exam results then read this article further and follow the steps given and check it now or once it is announced to get the detail.
Before that, keep ready your Roll number and other relevant detail handy to check the result online using the below steps and guideline.How to check RBSE 12th result 2022 online?
Step 1: Visit the RBSE website at www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in (or) www.rajresults.nic.in
Step 2: You will see highlight on homepage, as, "12th Examination Result 2022 (with relevant subject)", so, click on suitable link.
Step 3: Enter your roll number in appropriate field.
Step 4: Enter other required detail in the next fields.
Step 5: Click on 'Submit' button.
Step 6: RBSE 10th / 12th results will be shown on the screen.
Step 7: Save or Print-out or Screen-shot or Download it for future reference. That's it. You're done!
RBSE contact:
The Registrar,
Board of Secondary Education,
Police Line, Ajmer, PIN- 305001,
Rajasthan, India.
E-mail: bserajmer@gmail.com
Web: www.rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in
Telephone : 91-145-2627454 Fax : 91-145-2420429.
Also, if you are looking for Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) 2022 entry and application form filling up online etc. then do visit here https://www.reetbser2022.in/ and you may get the last date and other info here.