Andhra University and Blekinge Institute of Technology B.Tech. Double Degree admissions

Are you looking for admission to the B.Tech program of Andhra University? This article provides complete information on admission to the 2022 B.Tech. programs in Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, and the double degree program of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Details of eligibility criteria, selection procedure, and application procedure have been provided. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

About university

Andhra University is a public university established in 1926 by the Madras Act. It offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma programs in the fields of Science, Engineering, Arts and Commerce, Pharmacy, Law, and Education. It is a premier institute of higher education in India with a strong academic and research profile. It is awarded a rating of 'A++' by National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC) with 3.60 on a 4-point scale (score). It has got 24th rank in India among all the universities in National Institutions Ranking Framework - 2022, MHRD, Government of India.

Objective of the program

The objective of the B.Tech. program is to make undergraduate students qualified for the global industrial and research career. The university has started a program in collaboration with the Blekinge Institute of Technology(BTH), Sweden. It offers a double program including a Bachelor of Technology from Andhra University and a Bachelor of Science (Engineering) from Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden (4-Years Programme, 3 Years at AU College of Engineering and 1 Year at BTH).

Subjects offered at BTH

  • Mechanical Engineering

  • Electronics & Communication Engineering

  • Computer Science Engineering

  • Computer Science Engineering (Artificial Intelligence &
    Machine Learning)

  • Eligibility Criteria

    Candidates should have qualified with Intermediate Education (10+2 pattern) conducted by the A.P. Board of Education (BIE)/CBSE/ICSE with Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry subjects. The students should have a minimum of 70% marks in Intermediate education.

    How to apply

    The candidates who wish to apply for the double degree programme of Andhra university must visit the official website of Andhra university . Candidates can apply through the online portal of Andhra University. Applications for admission into the program will be processed by Andhra University, India in association with Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Candidates are required to download an application form and information booklet from the website. First, candidates should register themselves and after registration, the candidate must log in using login credentials and fill the application form. Candidates are required to download an application form and information booklet from the website. The duly filled-in application form with two sets of enclosures and an application processing fee of Rs. 4000 /- in the form of DD drawn, in any nationalized bank in favour of "Dean, International Affairs, Andhra University" payable at Visakhapatnam should reach the address which has been provided below. Incomplete applications are liable to be summarily rejected. The students are advised to send a copy of the scanned version of the applications to and for reference.

    Selection Procedure

    Selection will be done based on ranks obtained by the candidates in JEE (Mains) / AP EAMCET /TS EAMCET/AUEET/Marks in BIE or Equivalent in the order of preference indicated.

    Documents to be uploaded

  • 10th Class certificate.

  • Higher Secondary Education (10+2 Class) certificate.

  • Rank Card of IIT JEE /AP EAMCET / AUEET

  • Undertaking statement signed by the parent/guardian along with the applicant

  • Important dates

    Opening date of online application: 21 August 2022
    Last Date to submit online application: 12 September 2022 (5.00 PM)
    Date of admission counselling: 15 September 2022(10:00 AM)

    Contact Information

    Mr. Gurudutt Velpula,
    Dy. Director – International Affairs
    Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden.
    Mobile: 00-46- 734405670 (Sweden).

    International Affairs,1st Floor,
    Science and Technology Bhavan (AU Science College Principal's Office Building),
    Andhra University, Visakhapatnam- 530003,
    Andhra Pradesh, India
    Contact No: +91 891 2844434 O)
    Official website:


    Author: DR.N.V. Srinivasa Rao24 Aug 2022 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 2

    Andhra University is one of the standard universities in our country and a pioneer in the field of education. Many stalwarts worked in this university and the students of this university are settled well across the globe.
    Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH), Sweden is having around 100 collaborations with other universities. About 65 universities are from Europe and the remaining 35 are from other countries across the globe. Andhra University is one of those 35 institutes.
    This initiative taken by the university is good and students who join this course will have the chance of studying in an international environment and then for one year in a foreign country. This dual degree course is good for students and many of the students are getting good jobs with big MNCs.

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