KVS 2022 Departmental Entrance Test for Principal, Vice-Principal, Teachers, Staff promotional posts

Looking for a promotion from a TGT to a PGT in a Kendriya Vidyalaya school or for an Officer's post in KVS? This article provides complete information on the upcoming Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan's Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) that may enable existing KVS employees to get a promotion from a feeder cadre to a higher cadre. The list of available vacancies, the eligibility criteria for each, and the procedure for registration and application for LDCE have been provided.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released the schedule for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for filling up vacancies for administrative, teaching, and non-teaching posts from existing employees of the feeder cadre for appointment to a promotional post. There are a whopping 4014 posts in total to be filled through LDCE up to the year 2023. Wow!

Teachers, officials, and other candidates of KVS fulfilling the eligibility requirements can appear for the LDCE, but applying for LDCE-2022 or scoring the required minimum qualifying marks does not permit them a claim to the post or guarantee that they will get that post. The year-wise selected candidates will be based strictly on eligibility and merit list. Note that applications should be done online only and not offline.

KVS Limited Departmental Entrance Test 2022
[Image source: official website]

What is KVS LDCE

The Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) provides KVS teachers and staff to get a promotion to a higher post. The existing post is called the 'Feeder Post'. For example, a Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) can get a promotion to the post of Vice-Principal, a Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) and take up the higher role of a PGT, an Assistant Section Officer can get a promotion to the post of Section Officer, and so on. For the post of PGT and TGT, you can apply for one subject only.

Since the LDCE is for a promotional post, the minimum qualifying mark for all posts is 40% (35 % for SC/ST candidates). The test is a Computer based test (CBT) that will be tentatively conducted at Centers located in the cities of the Regional Offices of KVS. The syllabus of the exam is available on the official website for quick reference under Employment Notice–Syllabus.

Who can apply

Candidates must fulfill the requisite educational qualifications and experience for the post that they are applying for and this must be as of the eligibility dates, namely, 1st January for the vacancy years from 2018 to 2020 and 1st April for the vacancy years 2021 to 2023. Accordingly-
For the 2018 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st January 2018.
For the 2019 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st January 2019.
For the 2020 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st January 2020.
For the 2021 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st April 2021.
For the 2022 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st April 2022.
For the 2023 year of recruitment, the crucial date of eligibility is 1st January 2023.

Note that a postgraduate degree in the subject concerned with B.Ed before the eligibility year is a mandatory qualification for all PGT and above posts. B.Ed. is not mandatory for the post of Headmistress.

Educational Qualifications and Experience Criteria

Principal post

The Feeder post is Vice-Principal. Qualifications and Experience: A Master's Degree from a recognized university + B.Ed. with 8 years of combined regular service in KVS as a Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) and Vice-Principal, out of which at least 2 years as a Vice-Principal on or before the crucial date of eligibility.

Vice-Principal post

The Feeder post is PGT. Qualifications and Experience: A PGT + B.Ed. with a minimum of 5 years of regular service on or before the crucial date of eligibility.


The Feeder post is PRT. Qualifications and Experience: A Primary Teacher (PRT) with a minimum of 5 years of regular service in KVS on or before the crucial date of eligibility.

PGT Teaching positions

For all the PGT posts, the minimum qualifying marks and experience are the same- The candidate should have at least 3 years of regular service as TGT in KVS with a minimum 50% and above marks in the Master's Degree in the relevant subject. This min. 50% is not applicable for teachers who have at least 5 years of service in KVS as TGT on or before the particular crucial date of eligibility.

PGT Hindi

The Feeder post is TGT Hindi. Qualifications: Postgraduate course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Hindi with Hindi as one of the subjects at the Graduation level + B.Ed. Degree or equivalent.

PGT Sanskrit

The Feeder post is TGT Sanskrit. Qualifications: Postgraduate course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Sanskrit with Hindi as one of the subjects at the Graduation level + B.Ed. on or before the crucial date of eligibility.

PGT English

The Feeder post is TGT English. Qualifications: Postgraduate course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in English or equivalent.

PGT Maths

The Feeder post is TGT Maths. Qualifications: Postgraduate M.Sc. course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Maths/Applied Maths.

PGT Physics

The Feeder post is TGT Physics. Qualifications: Postgraduate M.Sc. course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Physics/Electronics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics.

PGT Chemistry

The Feeder post is TGT Chemistry. Qualifications: Postgraduate M.Sc. course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Chemistry/Biochemistry.

PGT Biology

The Feeder post is TGT Biology. Qualifications: Postgraduate M.Sc. course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Botany/ Zoology/Life Sciences/ Bio. Sciences/Genetics/Micro Biology/Biotech./Molecular Bio./Plant Physiology provided you have studied Botany and Zoology at the Graduation Level with B.Ed. Degree or equivalent.

PGT History

The Feeder post is TGT (Social Studies). Qualification: Postgraduate course of Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in History.

PGT Geography

The Feeder post is TGT (Social Studies). Qualification: Postgraduate course of Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Geography.

PGT Economics

The Feeder post is TGT (Social Studies). Qualification: Postgraduate course of the Regional College of Education of NCERT; or a Master's Degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics.

TGT Teaching positions

For all the TGT posts the minimum qualifying marks and experience is the same- (i) Candidates should have 5 years of regular service with Bachelor's Degree with 50% marks in that subject/combination of subjects as prescribed for direct recruits. (ii) A 4-year Integrated Degree of Regional College of Education of NCERT or a Bachelor's Degree with the optional subjects as applicable (refer to the official notification for the optional subjects). The minimum 50% requirement is not applicable for teachers who have at least 5 years of service in KVS as PRTs on or before the particular crucial date of eligibility. (iii) B.Ed.

TGT Social Studies

The Feeder post is PRT. Qualifications: You should have studied any two subjects of these- History + either Geography or Economics or Political Science (any one of these); or Geography + either History or Economics or Political Science (any of these). Note that geography/history should have been studied in all the years of graduation. In the case of an Honors Degree in History, you should have studied Geography/Economics/Political Science in the first and/or the second year of graduation; and in the case of an Honours degree in Geography, you should have studied History/Economics/Political Science in the first and/or the second year of graduation.

TGT Maths

The Feeder post is PRT. Qualifications: You should have studied Maths in all the years of graduation with any two subjects out of these- Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics. In the case of an Honours Degree in Maths, you should have studied Maths in all the years of graduation with any of the two aforementioned subjects. Note that a BA (Hons.) in Maths and a B.Sc (Hons) in any subject other than Maths are acceptable qualifications to be eligible for the post of TGT (Maths).

TGT Science

The Feeder post is PRT. Qualifications: You should have studied Botany, Zoology, and Chemistry at the Degree level; or an Honours Degree in Botany/Zoology/Chemistry, and the other two remaining subjects at the graduation level.

TGT Hindi, English, and Sanskrit

The Feeder post is PRT. Qualifications: You should have studied English/Hindi/Sanskrit as an Elective or Main subject in all the years of graduation.

Non-teaching positions

Section Officer

The feeder post is ASO/Assistant/Hindi Translator/Steno Grade-I. Qualification and Experience: Graduate with at least 4 years of regular service as an ASO or Stenographer Grade I or Hindi Translator on or before the crucial date of eligibility.

Finance Officer

The feeder post is ASO/Assistant. Qualification and Experience: At least 4 years of regular service as an ASO.

How to register and apply for KVS LDCE

Eligible candidates who wish to appear for LDCE can apply only through the online mode, with the link to do so provided by the Head of Office (HOO)/Controlling Officer. The HOO/Controlling Officer, in turn, will receive the link to the registration and application website and credentials from CBSE and the Officer will register the eligible employee using their employee code and generate the specific link for the respective employee. The employees should ensure that they fulfill the terms and conditions as mentioned in the official notification and must apply only within the stipulated timeline and criteria as per KVS Recruitment Rules. The online application should be submitted with- (1) The applicant's recent passport-size photo. This photo should not be older than three months; and (2) The applicant's signature.

The information filled by the applicant will be verified and authenticated by the controlling officer before final submission. Once the final submission is made, no changes will be permitted. After final submission, a printout of the application can be taken and kept on the records, with the signature of the applicant and of the HOO.

Key dates
The notification of LDCE will be issued on 2nd November 2022.
The activation of the online link for LDCE will be done in the first week of November 2022.
The last date to create the application link by the controlling officer and the circulation to all employees is 9th November 2022.
The last date for the applicants to submit the online application is 16th November 2022.
The last date for the verification by the controlling officer and submission to CBSE is 23rd November 2022.
The date of the L.D.C.E. will be announced at a later date.

Contact information

KVS Help Desk Contact Number: 011- 26512587.
Email: Idcerecruitment2022@qmail com

For Technical issues-
CBSE Help Desk Number: 09268594816
Email: kvs.recruitment2022@qmaiI.com

Postal address-
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ), 18, Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi -110016.

KVS Website: https://kvsangathan.nic.in/

Registration and application portal: https://cbseitms.nic.in/kvs

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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