Advantages and disadvantages of unit tests in schools
In this article, I am discussing if unit tests can uplift the performance of a student or not. Many schools are conducting unit tests before periodic tests. But are the students really benefited? Some students are able to perform better in the periodic tests and final exams. However, some students are not improving despite appearing for several tests in a year.
Many schools are conducting unit tests for their students after the pandemic period. After completing a chapter, the schools are conducting unit tests twice a month. Some schools are even conducting weekly tests. The government has recommended such tests for schools to improve the quality of education. But are these tests truly beneficial to students?
Advantages of unit tests in schools
Students can study seriously
Many students are not studying seriously after the pandemic situation. Some students are writing too slowly and are not able to complete tests. When the exams are approaching, the students begin their studies. They feel anxious when they are not able to grasp the concepts of any subject. So, many students are not delivering good results in the examination. Unit tests can help them to do better.Parents can analyze the performance of the students
Such tests are usually written in a separate notebook, and after correction, they are sent to the parents for signatures. So, parents can review the performance of the students and undertake corrective actions. They can analyze the following factors-
Why are the students scoring lesser marks? - What type of mistakes are they committing? Is the child able to complete the test within the specified period of time?
Preparation for the Examination- The students are confident enough to appear for the periodic tests. Many students feel anxious during period tests. They can become confident after appearing for the unit tests. They can overcome anxiety and fear and learn to complete tasks within a specified time.
They can prepare perfectly - A student can study a particular chapter perfectly when preparing for a unit test. Later on, they need not study too much when periodic tests are approaching.
Disadvantages of unit tests in schools
Pressure on students and parents
Students are pressured to study several times a year. Parents usually assist their kids to study, and hence they should give extra attention to their studies.Students feel demotivated due to low scores
If a student scores lower marks on a test, then he may feel demotivated and even perform worse again. As these tests are conducted within a shorter period of time, students should be motivated. But due to demotivation, they can even perform worse. Some schools conduct frequently
Some schools are conducting unit tests frequently, even twice a month. Some schools are conducting weekly. The kids and parents are under extreme pressure and are not able to prepare an effective study plan. How do you expect students to become prepared for six subjects every 15 days? Students should spend extra time studying for the subjects. They are not able to play outdoors and breathe fresh air from the atmosphere.Unable to prepare a proper study plan
A student should study a specific lesson from every subject for the unit test. So, the students are unable to review the previous lessons. Students should study mathematics regularly, as they need the practice to solve problems. But they are unable to solve problems regularly due to preparation for unit tests.
Students should study for the unit tests fearlessly without even bothering about the score. They should study with the intention of acquiring knowledge and preparing for the periodic tests later on. If they are scoring lower in unit tests, then they should learn from their mistakes and prepare for the periodic tests.
Evaluation tests are useful to the students in a way. They will complete the syllabus regularly and will not keep any chapters pending. So they will be always ready for facing the examination. If they attend these tests they will understand time management for answering the question paper and will also be able to face examinations without any fear. Another positive of these examinations is that the teachers and parents will understand the caliber of their wards. They will understand what are the areas that need improvement for their wards and efforts will be increased in those areas so that their wards will be ready to face the examinations well.
As mentioned by the author, stress on the student may become regular and it may tell upon the health of the student. This point should be taken care of by the parents and see that their children will not get stressed too much.