CSIR-UGC NET Examination December 2022 - June 2023
Looking for CSIR-UGC NET Examination December-2022, June-2023? Read this article for the registration process, fees detail, exam procedure, etc of the CSIR-UGC NET Examination December-2022 June-2023.
National Testing Agency has started the registration process for the Joint Council of Science and Industrial Research CSIR-UGC NET Examination December-2022 / June-2023. This exam will be conducted in CBT mode (Computer Based test) for eligibility for l Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), for lectureship (LS) and assistant professor in Indian universities and colleges.Registration and Correction
You have to apply online for this exam. The registration process would be started on 10 March 2023 and the last date for registration is 10 April 2023. After the end of the registration process, the correction window will be opened. If you find any mistake in your application form, you would be able to correct it. The last date for making any correction in the form is 18 April 023. Exam Fees
The exam fees for the different categories are different. For general the exam fee is Rs 1100/-, f General EWS, OBC-NCL (Central-List) Rs 550/- and for SC/ST/Third Gender Rs. 275/-.The candidate also pays processing charges and Goods & Service Taxes (GST) as applicable. Exam pattern
The exam will be conducted in CBT mode. The exam will be conducted on 6, 7, and 8 June 023. The total time to attempt the question paper would be 180 minutes. You can select the medium of the exam as Hindi or English. There would be a total of five test papers:
Important Dates
How to Apply?
The complete process for registration is as below:
After submitting your form, please download the confirmation page. You will need this in the future.
So, apply for CSIR-UGC NET Examination December-2022 / June-2023, be prepared, and all the best for your examination.