Why do many students score low marks in Mathematics?

In this article, I am discussing the reasons for low scores in mathematics among students. Students are scoring fewer marks because they should understand some important concepts in mathematics and learn to apply the concepts appropriately. Parents are bewildered but are not able to tackle the problem wisely.

Mathematics is one of the scariest subjects for many students in school. Some students are striving hard in mathematics but are not able to score good marks. The students should not only work hard but also work smartly to score better marks in mathematics. Parents are shocked to see their child's poor result but do not understand the reason for such a low score. Commonly, the question that arises in the mind of the parents is, Why is the child not able to score good marks despite studying hard? The mathematics syllabus is extensive from Grade 6, and even parents are not able to recall such difficult concepts taught to them. So, I am discussing the reasons for a low score in mathematics based on experience.

Reasons why students are not scoring higher marks in mathematics

Poor calculation skills

Many students are not able to calculate accurately. When they are solving sums by addition or subtraction, they are not able to quickly calculate and obtain the result. Many students cannot handle complex numbers, and they lose track when they calculate. If the answer is not obtained correctly, then they are not awarded any marks. The students should practice more sums every day so they can improve their skills in calculating. They understand the sum of two numbers gradually after regular practice. In yesteryear, children were forced to solve several sums in a day so they could become perfect in mathematics. If your child calculates slowly, then let your child join an Abacus class, or you can provide Abacus tools to improve calculations and processing speed. Practical experience can also improve calculation speed. Send your child to a shopkeeper every day and buy things at a certain price. Due to a lack of practice, students are not able to calculate properly and derive incorrect output.

Lack of understanding or expertise of some basic concepts

Children are taught some basic concepts in mathematics in pre-primary or primary classes, but a teacher may not observe the mathematical skills of every student at this stage if he or she is handling many students. Most teachers in the pre-primary section only check if a child is able to identify numbers, write numbers sequentially, arrange some basic numbers in ascending or descending numbers, or mention the predecessor or successor of basic numbers. Many children are able to write numbers in sequential order, and they remember the pattern of the numbers.

In pre-primary classes, a child is also taught concepts such as skip counting, backward numbers, greater and higher values, etc. but a child may not become well versed in these concepts. A student may falter when asked to mention skip counting for numbers 2, 3, 5, 10, etc. A student may not be able to understand higher or lower values easily. Some students are unable to compare numbers, or they do not develop the skills of comparing between numbers, and later on experience difficulty when they are solving complex problems. They cannot arrange larger numbers in ascending or descending order. The students have not learned the skills of arranging numbers using proper methods in the primary classes, so in higher classes they experience difficulties.

To score better marks, a student should develop logical reasoning in mathematics. To apply logical reasoning, a student should quickly understand the higher and lower values of numbers or the place value of the number. They should be able to quickly identify odd and even numbers just by looking at the number. If a student can easily study subjects such as divisibility, then the student should be able to identify odd and even numbers and also remember the multiples and factors of the numbers easily. As they reach higher grades, the students should be able to understand the application of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in real life. So, to score better marks in mathematics, students should thoroughly understand the basic concepts.

Poor mental mathematical skills

Some students are not able to perform calculations mentally. They cannot perform calculations unless they use their fingers or draw figures on a piece of paper. For example, some students, when they are calculating 3 + 2, need to draw three balls in the first column and then two balls in the second column. So, counting the balls together, they write the answer as 5. Such students should join Abacus classes to improve mental arithmetic. If your child is scoring lower marks in mathematics, then probably he or she is not able to calculate mentally. Students suffer from mathematical difficulties such as dyscalculia.

Not learning tables

Many students do not learn tables sincerely, are not able to remember even some simple multiples, and are not able to solve problems. Ideally, a student should learn tables up to 20. Otherwise, a child should learn the tables up to and including 9 so that he or she can multiply. A student who is not aware of the tables, cannot multiply.

Poor grasp of the subject

Some students are too poor in mathematics and are not able to understand some basic concepts despite working harder. Children with profound difficulty in mathematics, such as the identification of numbers, sorting numbers sequentially, mentioning the successor and predecessor, understanding the steps or methods to solve the problems, etc., cannot learn further concepts. Although such students are identified by the teachers, they fail to secure support from the people around them. Teachers are not able to provide personal attention to such students as they should handle many other students in class. Such students are often labelled as 'slow learners'. Such children should be accessed carefully and taught by special educators. Some special educators conduct tuition classes offline or online. Such students can learn by viewing attractive graphics and pictures.

Lack of proper explanation

Many students do not logically explain the concept of the given problem. They directly present the calculations by either adding, subtracting, multiplying, etc., and then write the answer. So, anybody who views the presentation cannot understand the logic and the examiner is not impressed as the answer is not presented with any explanation. For e.g., sum: The length of the room is 3 metres, and the breadth is 4 meters; find the area. If the student only writes 3x4=12, then the examiner may allocate too few marks, perhaps 1/2 or even 1/4 for 2 marks. A student should give a detailed explanation, as mentioned below:
Area = length x breadth; length = 3 m; breadth = 4 m. So, the area of a room is 3 m x 4 m = 12 m.

Do not present all the steps

In mathematics, marks are allocated for every step, and if a student does not mention one step, then he or she loses one or more marks. The evaluator is not impressed, as he or she may think that the student has memorized the answer. Some students who are masters in mathematics tend to write down the answer directly as they are able to calculate too quickly. Perhaps the evaluator thinks that the student has copied the answer and marks it as incorrect. For e.g., 3:6:12:x, finding X is the question. If a student directly mentions the answer as 24, then the evaluator does not assign any marks. He or she requires an explanation of the answer. The logical explanation for the question is as follows: 3:6::12: x = 3 is to 6, so 12 is to how much? So, 6 x 12/3 = 72/3 = 24.


Author: Geeta15 Apr 2023 Member Level: Silver   Points : 4

There can be several reasons why many students score low marks in Mathematics. Some common reasons are:

Lack of Understanding: Mathematics requires a strong foundation in the basics, and if a student does not have a solid understanding of the concepts, they may struggle to grasp more complex topics. This can lead to frustration and lower marks.

Lack of Practice: Mathematics is a subject that requires regular practice and repetition to master. If a student does not practice enough or consistently, they may struggle with the subject and score low marks.

Lack of Interest: Mathematics may not be a subject that interests every student. If a student does not have a natural interest in the subject, they may not be as motivated to learn and practice.

It's important for educators and parents to identify the reasons why a student may be struggling in Mathematics and provide appropriate support and resources to help them improve. This may include additional tutoring, personalized instruction, and a supportive learning environment.

With the right support and strategies, students can overcome their struggles and improve their marks in Mathematics.

Author: Umesh17 Apr 2023 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 4

For a student who does not have interest in studies and academics, learning any subject is a tough proposition. It is also true that there are some subjects which are relatively tougher than the other ones because they require a grasp and understanding of the rudimentary things about that subject. Mathematics is one of such subjects which is always challenging and is a difficult task for an average or below average student.

Experts believe that there are some methods through which we can inculcate interest in the children for mathematics. Some of them are learning by fun or games, creating curiosity in the students, associating mathematics with real life problems or examples, making puzzles and riddles an integral part of the syllabus etc. These things might help even a dull student to get interest generated towards learning mathematics.

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