Forest Research Institute Deemed University Dehradun M.Sc. Courses Admissions 2024

Looking for postgraduate courses related to forestry? This article provides complete information on the M.Sc. courses of the Forest Research Institute Deemed to be University, Dehradun, for which admissions are currently open for the upcoming academic year. Details of the course syllabus, eligibility criteria, and the application procedure have been provided.

The Forest Research Institute (FRI) Deemed to be University, Dehradun has released the admission notification for M.Sc. programs for the academic session 2024-26.

FRI Deemed University Dehradun M.Sc. Admissions Banner
[Image source: print advt. in The Indian Express, Mumbai, 3rd February 2024]


FRI Dehradun is a Deemed to be University under the aegis of the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (ICFRE). The campus has excellent facilities, including a library-cum-information centre, a computer lab, a hospital, sports facilities for badminton, basketball, athletics, etc, a gym, separate hostel facilities for boys and girls, etc. Students participate in cultural programs and social activities.

There are four M.Sc. courses, namely, M.Sc. Forestry, M.Sc. Wood Science and Technology, M.Sc Environment Management, and M.Sc. Cellulose & Paper Technology. Merit scholarships are awarded to students who top each course. In addition to fulfilling the required eligibility requirements for each course, students have to appear for a written entrance test. You are welcome to apply for more than one course, but should fill out a separate application form for each, and pay the required application fee for each one as well.

FRI Dehradun M.Sc. Courses and Eligibility requirements

All the M.Sc. programs are 2-year full-time Postgraduate courses. The number of seats, curriculum, and eligibility criteria are as follows-

M.Sc. Forestry Course

Number of seats: 43.

Educational Qualifications: You should have a Bachelor's Degree in Science obtained through a 3-year course, with at least one of these subjects- Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Maths, Physics, and Zoology with a minimum of 50% marks. A Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture or Forestry with a minimum of 50% marks is also accepted.

Course curriculum: You will be studying the concepts and basic biological principles associated with forest management including the economic aspects of it. You will get a deep awareness of the responsibilities we should have for preserving forest resources. Through internships and skill development sessions, leadership abilities will be developed.

M.Sc. Wood Science & Technology Course

Number of seats: 43.

Educational Qualifications: You should have a Bachelor's Degree in Science obtained through a 3-year course with Physics, Chemistry, and Maths (PCM) or a B.Sc. Degree in Forestry. You should have got at least 50% marks in the qualifying exam.

Course curriculum: The learning modules are, as indicated by the course name, all things related to wood! So you will study everything there is to know about the structure and composition of wood and acquire knowledge about composite wood products. First-hand experience in the field will be acquired through industrial visits and stud tours. To develop the entrepreneurial spirit, marketing, and HR-associated aspects are also included in the curriculum.

M.Sc. Environment Management Course

Number of seats: 43.

Educational Qualifications: You should have a Bachelor's Degree in any branch of Basic or Applied Science obtained through a 3-year course with at least 50% marks in the qualifying exam. A B.Sc. in Forestry or Agriculture or a BE in Environment Science/B.Tech. in Environmental Science with a minimum of 50% marks is also accepted.

Course Curriculum: The course delves deep into environment-related aspects vis-à-vis forests and ecology in general. Thus you will learn about the environmental challenges of contemporary times, and analyze various solutions to overcome them. In addition to classroom sessions and project work, you will be getting the opportunity to experience varied ecosystems through field visits. In addition to term papers and assignments, you will work on a thesis towards the end of the course.

Explore more Environment Courses in India

M.Sc. Cellulose & Paper Technology Course

Number of seats: 26.

Educational Qualifications: You should have a Bachelor's Degree in Science obtained through a 3-year course with Chemistry as one of the subjects with at least 50% marks in the qualifying exam. A B.E. Chemical Engineering/B.E. Mechanical Engineering or a B.Tech. Chemical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering with minimum 50% marks is also accepted.

Course Curriculum: You will learn the diverse contemporary aspects of paper science & technology, including the industrial processes of paper, in both, theoretical and practical ways. The knowledge, training, and skills that you gain through this course will be stepping stones to a career in the paper industry. The second year of this course will likely be conducted at the Central Pulp & Paper Research Institute (CPPRI), Saharanpur.

Note- Students applying in the SC/ST category should obtain at least 45% marks in the qualifying Degree exam for admission to any of the M.Sc. courses.

FRI Dehradun M.Sc. Admissions Application Procedure

You can register and apply for the M.Sc. course and the entrance test online.

Download the completed form, fill it up in your own handwriting, and send it with the required set of documents (the list is given later in this article), along with the application fee in the form of a DD of Rs. 1500/- in favour of Registrar Forest Research Institute University, and payable at Dehradun, to-
The Registrar, Forest Research Institute University
P.O. I.P.E. Kaulagarh,

As per the admission notification on the official website, you can also obtain the application form and the information bulletin from the office of the University's Registrar, Dehradun. You can either take it in person or request for it to be sent by post.

Additional notes: If you are awaiting the result of the relevant qualifying Degree exam, you can still apply for admission and submit the application form by the closing date. Once the result is out, you must send the mark sheet right away and ensure that it reaches the office of the institute on or before the date fixed for admission. Otherwise, your admission form will be considered to be incomplete and you may be denied admission to the M.Sc. program.

It is advisable to go through the information bulletin to know about eligibility for students who have completed the qualifying Degree course from a University/Institute that follows the program credit system.

When attaching the required documents, make sure each page is numbered properly and is attested. The list below is of the attested certificates/documents that you must enclose with the admission application form, otherwise, your application will be rejected-
  1. Proof of date of birth

  2. The Matriculation or equivalent certificate, and mark sheet

  3. The Pre-university Exam Certificate, and mark sheet if applicable

  4. The Higher Secondary Examination Certificate, and mark sheet if applicable

  5. The Intermediate Exam Certificate, and mark sheet if applicable

  6. The Bachelor's degree Certificate and mark sheet

  7. The course completion certificate if you have obtained the Bachelor's from a University/Institute following the course credit system. This certificate should be issued by any of these Officials only- (i) the Registrar of the Institute/University, or (ii) the Principal of the college, or (iii) the Dean, or (iv) the Associate Dean, certifying that you have completed all the prescribed course work. Do not submit this certificate from any other Official.

  8. The Reserved category certificate if applicable, for students applying in the Scheduled Caste/Tribe/OBC categories. This certificate should be issued by the District Magistrate or authorities empowered to issue a certificate of verification and must be issued not more than 6 months before the date of application.

  9. A Character Certificate issued by the Principal/Head of the Department/Dean/Registrar of the College/Institute/University last attended.

Also, you must affix in the relevant place on the application form one recent passport-size photo, and attach two additional ones for office records.

Important note: You must produce all the original certificates and mark sheets at the time of admission and before the payment of fees, otherwise your application for admission is likely to be rejected.

FRI Dehradun M.Sc. Admission Entrance Test

Shortlisted candidates have to appear for an entrance test for admission to the M.Sc. Course. This is likely to be an online proctored test (refer to the official website for updates on it). The test will have the following components-
  1. Basic Sciences including Social Science

  2. Arithmetic and Quantitative abilities, computational ability, quantitative reasoning, interpretation of tables, graphs, etc.

  3. General Knowledge and Current Affairs

  4. English Language, comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, idioms, etc.

The information bulletin that you get along with the application form will provide details of the marking system, and have a sample list of questions.

The date, time, and venue of the entrance test will be intimated to all shortlisted candidates through a letter under a certificate of posting duly signed by and bearing the official stamp of, the FRI (Deemed) University Office. If there is a change in the date of the exam due to unforeseen reasons, then the final date will be indicated in the written test call letter.

After the result

The result and final list of candidates for admission to the different courses based on the seats allotted to each course will be displayed on the notice board of the FRI (Deemed) University and the individual candidates will also be informed of their results by post.

A waiting list will also be prepared in addition to the regular list of qualified candidates. If you are selected, then you must pay the course fee and join the course as per the due date. An extension may be granted for the date or joining in exceptional cases. In case you do not join by the due date/extended date, then your admission will be cancelled and your seat will be offered to a candidate on the waiting list in order of merit.

Important dates

Online applications for all the M.Sc. courses will open on 5th February 2024 and close on 8th April 2024.
The online remote proctored admission test is scheduled for 19th May 2024 (Sunday).

Contact information

Campus address: Forest Research Institute Deemed to be University, P.O. I.P.E. Kaulagarh, Dehradun-248195.

For any assistance, you can contact Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Registrar.
Ph: 0135-2751826/2224439/2224495
To know the fee structure of M.Sc. Programs refer:

After completing the M.Sc. course, you can pursue a Ph.D. Forestry Program at FRI Deemed to be University Dehradun.

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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Author: Sheo Shankar Jha13 Feb 2024 Member Level: Diamond   Points : 2

The author has provided the detailed inputs how the different courses mentioned in this article can benefit the aspirants in the current situation. The courses discussed by her relates to Forestry, Environmental Science, Cellulose & Paper Technology and each course is definitely valuable to the aspirants for making their careers more enjoyable and rewarding. Even though there are skilled professionals in the forestry department, the strength of the skilled professionals is not adequate and hence the need for skilled professionals from a reputed institution.

The second course as illustrated by her is Environmental Management and in the present situation, we need to have skilled professionals to deal with challenges in making the environment clean from different gases and pollutants existing in the atmosphere such as Carbon Dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Methane and other hazardous industrial wastes. How to keep the environment pollution free is the prime task of the professionals but that would need experts from reputed institutions.

Cellulose & Paper Technology is an area where a lot of innovative technologies can be applied for the upgradation of the end product and hence pursuing such a course from a reputed institute is highly desirable.

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