Osmania University - M.Sc ASTRONOMY - 2 - Theory Paper 6 : Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics

Theory Paper 6 : Fluid Mechanics and Magnetohydrodynamics

Unit 1
Fluid mechanics

Equation of continuity, velocity potential. Euler's equations of motion and their integrals. Circulation and Vortex motion. Effect of viscosity on fluid motion.

Unit 2
Gas Dynamics

Compressibility effects in real fluids, the elements of wave motion, speed of sound in a gas, formation of shock waves and elementary analysis of normal shock waves.

Unit 3
Motion of charged particles

Motion of charged particles in uniform, static electromagnetic field. Particle drifts in non-uniform static magnetic fields. Adiabatic invariants.

Unit 4

Magnetohydrodynamic equations. Magnetic diffusion. viscosity and pressure. Magnetohydrodynamic flow between boundaries with crossed electric and magnetic fields. Hartmann number. Magnetohydrodynamic waves. Alfven velocity.


1. Chorltar: Fluid Mechanics
2. Jackson: Classical Theory of Radiation
3. Oleg Glebov: Motion of charged particles

Reference: http://osmania.ac.in


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