Tips for Earning Money while Studying

This article gives tips about earning money even when you are studying. Earning money while learning and studying helps you in many things. They can as small as your your everyday Tea and breakfast money to huge amounts to cover your college tuition fees.

* Find out if there is some data-entry work, say, at your local library or at a local estate agent's office.

* If you are good with children, you can offer baby-sitting services to people you know in your area.

* If you are proficient in a particular subject, such as maths, history, etc, you can teach children. You can even teach adults - there are many adults who wish to learn English or a foreign language.

* If you are good in a foreign language, do a Google search for online translation jobs.

* If you are good at translation work, you can work part-time for an NGO. There are many NGOs who require translators for data-conversion from the local language to English or vice-versa.

* Working for an NGO does not necessarily imply doing voluntary work. There is also paid-work jobs, though the payments may not be very high.

* If you have a driving licence and are a safe driver, you can offer to drop /pick up kids to school or work part-time for a rental car agency.

* Are you good at making anything? For example, if you can make samosas, you can start making about a dozen daily and try selling them at a reasonable price to friends or to the local store. You could soon start your own business from home!

* Save every single penny you earn in a bank account to support yourself and, slowly, your family members too.

* Do not apply for credit cards - you are likely to get tempted to spend your hard-earned money. Many youngsters get tempted to apply for a credit card just because their friends have them too. Don't follow their path.

* Also, it is not really necessary to spend money on the latest mobile! You managed just fine in the days without mobiles, so why have one now? When you start earning, you can buy with your own money. Don't purchase a mobile with your parents' hard-earned money – remember that they will also be the ones paying the high bills too. The same applies with a bike or a car – wait till you start earning.

* With the money you earn from part-time work, you can even do an educational course via correspondence or on a part-time basis.

Whatever you decide on, remember NEVER to give up hope. The sun always rises on a new day and a new day means new hopes. Persist in trying for a job - a Reader's Digest article had spoken about how the more 'negatives' you get, the closer you will get to the 'postives'.

Above all, have faith in yourself and in God above.

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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Author: Vandana27 Nov 2008 Member Level: Platinum   Points : 1

Plse.tell me why this was rejected.This same post i had supplied as an answer to a query in Yahoo.Answers,and I got 10 points!!

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