It consists of 3 rounds
1) Written test
2) tech interview
3) HR interview.
There is no GD
Written test consists of 5 sections
1) Analytical ability-20m, 30min
2) Verbal ability.30m, 20min
3) Attention to detail-20m, 20min
4) Technical-40m 30min
5) Reading ability.-10m 20min
1st section is verbal ability it consists of
1) rc 5m
2) Articles 10m
3) Select appropriate meaning 5m
4) Some stuff like find out errors 10m
Articles are very simple like names of large cities follows by in & villages by at just based on this he asked 4 questions other also very simple We can get synonyms by context I think no need to prepare for that. Errors also easy this paper is made by MERIT TRAC so you can prepare questions from IBM also
2nd analytical ability is some what tough it has a cube problem.
There are 3 cubes are placed horizontally and cut into 64 (each cube) & den 1st one line (4*4)row of second & 1st 2 rows of 3rd cube r removed & painted black all sides now questions are
1) How many cubes r only 1 side painted
2) How many cubes r 2 sides painted?
3) How many cubes r 3 sides painted?
4) How many cubes r no side painted
and 2 problems on time & distance 1 started with a speed 20kmph &den 2 started after 30 min 1 when started with a speed of 25kmph and 3 started after how many min wit a speed 40kmph to reach all 3 at same time?
Some thing like that but easy
Attention to detail this is very easy section & questions on decision making r some twisted be prepared from R S Aggarwal's VERBAL reasoning. There are some questions based on binary numbers 5 problems are given $=1,*=0 then what is value of $$***$$/**$*$$$$ like this.