Essential things to do for motorbike riding safety

Would you like to know safety measures for bike riding? Then read this article to know about Motorbike Safety.

When you buy the latest bike model and perch on it to vroom off, do not behave like the king of the road! Speeding away to show off may be your idea of fun; but it could unfortunately end in a disaster and, God forbid, your death or that of the pillion rider.

You absolutely must adhere to certain safety aspects .
* First and foremost make sure that you are wearing a helmet. It should be comfortable to wear and, more important, should not block your vision. Avoid wearing helmets borrowed from others, as your head measurement will definitely not be the same of somebody else.

* A helmet's face-shield will prevent dust particles and rain from getting into your eyes, so make sure you are having one – it should be clear and not tinted.

* Don't wear footwear that is slippery and likely to slide off.

* Most bikers, I have noticed, will generally glance at the fuel level before starting off. They tend to ignore other equally crucial aspects : are the brakes functioning? Is the front and tail lights working? Is the mirror clear of dust and fogginess?

* Do not take your eyes off the road while driving to look at something the pillion rider is pointing to – you could just well miss seeing an open manhole (in India this is common!).

* Carry your driving license with you at all times .

* Respect the local laws governing traffic and speed limits .

* Always keep a small diary with contact numbers of family / friends and mention your blood group below your own address and residence number, as well as any allergy that you may be having.

Drive Safely – always .

Article by Vandana
Vandana is based in India with over 15 years experience as a freelance writer. Writing, no doubt, is her primary passion! Having learned the art of blogging from ISC, Vandana is enjoying the thrills of blogging, taking pleasure in sharing information & getting good pageviews at her various blogs.

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Author: srb12313 Jan 2009 Member Level: Gold   Points : 1

good information. People always neglect safety measures like wearing helmet, fuel leakage etc. It is good to keep a diary with all the contact numbers in the case of emergency. safety first.

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