How to build up Building Self-Confidence?
This article describes about how one can build up their own confidence.
Self Confidence,What does it actually means? It is not something in your genes or something you get by birth, nor could get bought by just spending money. Self Confidence is something that makes you stand in front of people and face them eyes-in-eyes. Some blankly say I am not confident but why not just think to yourself. Is self confidence that hard to achieve, I would say no. But only for those it is easy who believe in themselves.
Just ask yourself these questions: Who am I? What is my stature in this society? What is that I know and learnt from life? What can I do for myself and others? Do I deserve what I am? How can I do that? Those who can answer these questions in a positive way, they stand on a strong foundation of good self confidence from within. Those who don't then they lack one of the most important, priceless assets in their lives i.e self-confidence.
Self-confidence is not a gift of nature to some individual but it is something that we all deserve to search for and nonetheless we can own it for ourselves. Here are the steps or say building the various qualities essential in building your self confidence.
Why do we need to believe Our self?
The answer is simple if you don't believe what you are and what you can do, If you don't know your potential, how can others understand it or rather how can you show it to others. self Confidence is just a belief, a belief in you, your qualities. Nobody knows whether god exists but it is our belief that every time we will call him, he will come as our savior. so belief is the first step towards achieving Self Confidence.
Why is control necessary in gaining Self confidence? Self confidence cannot be attained without attaining Self-Control. Self-Control over our actions, our thoughts and how and when we speak, i.e. our words. Self control plays magic over the other person, the way you speak, the slowly and clearly you speak the more good speaker you turn out to be. Controlling your emotions is another most important aspect in attaining self confidence, just don't let your emotions flow from your speech. Being Calm and Composed is a tough job but the body language of a calm person automatically shows off his confidence.
Personality is generally not how wonderful you look fair, handsome, beautiful no this may add a cap in your feather but basically it means the way of presenting yourself to the audience, the people with whome you are. See to it that you are groomed well, The clothes you wear the shoes should be matching with the occasion. Dressing according to the occasion is more important rather than wearing expensive clothes.
The output of the three together will be that you will feel confident and once you start feeling confident your confidence wins situations for you, it will start growing. Thus growth in confidence is directly proportional to the habit of winning over the problems or attained self esteem.
Self confidence is an important asset for your mental and physical health and a necessity for a good life. Thus building self confidence is not something that comes in a single day, a fruit falling into your basket from nowhere, or a lottery that only a lucky person wins. Self confidence is build and maintained as you grow with your achievements, it grows with simple and everyday things happening with you.
Once you have got to know the magical 'Spell of Self Confidence' you will see that your magic starts working among the people among whom you work or live. You will be altogether a different person. You would suddenly feel Luck Struck (Lucky by all means). People around you will be all yours as if you have casted a spell over them. So to attain anything and everything in life the foremost tool in your kit should be a good pack full of 'SELF CONFIDENCE'
this is a wonderful artilce and gives us insight on how to be confident. a must read for all. Actually in the times of recession and economy slowdown, the confidence of many individuals is all time low, so its a must that one needs to work on this.