Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery - An effective method for morbid obesity

What is Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery? What are its causes and treatment? Read the article to know about the treatment and prevention from Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery.

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic problem now. The initiation starts from childhood and in order to give quality food and to fulfill all the desires of our child, we often get attracted to fast food, oily foods and junks.

The control of obesity should be started at this point only and any ignorance leads to the most debilitating condition, namely obesity, which can form a pillar for various diseases like diabetes, heart diseases and even cancers.

It is very easy to put on weight but often too difficult to lose weight on their own. Even you try hard and get some success a Fad diet results in return to original weight or a weight gain after some time.

If we go through the article Methods of Obesity Management we derive a conclusion that it is the diet, exercise, yoga, behavioural therapy which are preferred as first line treatment of obesity, then it comes to diet pills or anti obesity drugs. Some prefer homeopathy phytolacca berry as anti obesity treatment.

What is bariatric surgery

Bariatric is the science which deals with causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity. Bariatric surgery also known as weight loss surgery is the surgical procedure for in order to reduce weight in case of morbid obesity.

Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery generally results in greater weight loss than traditional treatment, and leads to improvements in quality of life and obesity-related diseases such as heart diseases, hypertension and diabetes. Though a combination of treatment is always preferred and surgery is the indicated or preferred in few cases.

When weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is indicated

Weight loss surgery is indicated when there is morbid obesity or associated with morbid conditions which can cause serious impairment of quality of life or at times can be life threatening even.

The obesity is determined on the basis of body mass index (BMI) and bariatric surgery is indicated only when BMI is very high and where other non surgical methods fails to control it and quality of life continue to detoriate.

Body mass index calculation

There is a simple formula of calculating BMI, it depends on the the weight and height of the body. The formula is
( kg/m² ) (weight in pounds * 703 )
BMI = -----————————————-------------------
height in inches²

A BMI below 18.5 is considered as underweight, while upto 18.6 to 24.9 as normal. An overweight is one having BMI from 25 to 29.9 and BMI above 30 is considered as obese.

Effects of bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery

The basic principle of weight loss surgery is to change the anatomy of digestive system which can increase the satiety even after less diet and can even reduce appetite. Thus it is very much useful for a binge eater having morbid obesity. Weight loss surgery even lead to some hormonal change that helps in reduction of weight. The surgery lowers the risk of medical problems associated with obesity.

Weight loss surgery provides a drastic improvement in type 2 diabetes, blood pressure is controlled and even the dangerous triglycerides decreases significantly reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications and other serious heart disease. It is a form of gasric bypass surgery and it controls the serious complcations of obesity which may be dangerous and life threatening in obese persons who haven't undergone the weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery increases the quality of life and the incidence of mortality due to obesity is significanly reduced. There is a myth that the surgery itself if complicated and life threatening. For that I must say that any surgery have some complications but if benefits exceeds the risk, it is wise to go for weight loss surgery if conventional method fails to increase the life expectancy.

Complication of bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is not an outdoor procedure and not similar to liposuction, it have the complications related to anesthesia and complications related to abdominal surgery. Proper consultation and control of diabetes before surgery lessen the complication to a great extent. The patient should undergo thoroughly checked and should discuss all their physical, mental and medical problems to the concern doctor before undergoing weight loss surgery.

Wish you a obesity free and fit and healthy life.


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