Career Options in Commerce Stream / Jobs After Commerce Stream
This article describes about the career options for Commerce students after graduation.
Career Options in Commerce Stream / Jobs after Commerce Stream
Most of the students always look towards commerce stream. Some Student, who gets little good marks, moves towards this stream without taking any decisions. Some students choose this stream with proper guidance and with proper knowledge. Now lets look what this stream can offer you, what are the career possibilities in this stream and why to choose commerce after 10th?
Commerce streams have wide range of career options for the students. A Students can go choose the following in commerce stream.
Chartered Accountancy
Company Secretary
Business Management
Cost Accountancy
and computers.
Graduation degree is must means you have to be B.Com graduate for applying. If you have dome computer course from well known institute, it can offer you advantage. Therefore every one should have the good knowledge of computer course.
IF you are willing to do MCA from IGNOU, you can also go for that after B.Com. You just have to pass CIC course, which is 6 month course. It will make you eligible doing MCA from IGNOU. After B.Com you can also do MBA in Finance. MBA in finance will make you eligible for various types of good and high post jobs in various companies. You can apply in Banks.
So it is good and many kinds of jobs are waiting in this stream. But whatever stream you choose, just concentrate on your study and try to get high marks with sound knowledge of that subject.
Always choose your subjects and stream after proper guidance, after knowing your interest, jobs opportunities in that course or stream, and other points like financial conditions, job requirement just after the education etc.
How to Score Good Marks
There are some tips and tricks that will help you a lot in preparation for the board exams. How many subjects, you touch for on daily basis and how much time you give for a single subject. What is the way of your preparation, these are some points which plays very important role in getting and scoring good marks in the board exams. Let's talk about how to prepare:
Try to study as least four subjects out of total five per day. This will keep your memory sharp for all subjects. Then spend one hour for a single subject. It means, you to give four hours daily for your all four subjects. But don't study continuously. Just make a schedule like that…
Study for 1 hour for a subject dedicatedly. Take a small break. In break you can talk to your friends but don't discuss about study. You can watch TV also and watch only that program you like most. You can do anything interesting you like. Then again come to study. And give one hour for second subject and study with full dedication; don't think about movie, songs, picture and other matters. Just concentrate completely on your study. Then again take a short break. The most important think that you have to implement in your all time study that you have to study with your full confident.
Don't get tensed, it can result in forgetting things that you know very well. Keep studying with fresh mind every time after you take break. Studying in morning is very beneficial as compare to late night study. Studying in morning can be quite difficult but soon you will get habitual for that and you will find more interest in studying. What is the reason for that, in morning your minds keeps fresh and whatever you learn, easily enter in your mind provided you are studying with confidently and dedicatedly.
If you will study like this I am sure you will definitely get high marks in your all exams, CBSE board exams and all other competitive exams.
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This is great news for Indian that our students have topped the list in US. India has the record of the highest number of foreign students, china is on second number and Korea is on number third position.
Should students take the help of CBSE sample peppers?
In these days every one is looking for good marks. Students buy many kinds of sample papers and solve then. But in reality many students can not complete these sample papers as they have the burden of many subject. So, how to prepare for the exam?
Don't buy so many extra cbse sample papers. Just buy one and best sample paper after proper guidance from your seniors and teacher. It has been seen that students normally purchase those sample papers which new publisher offer in school moreover teachers also support them. But this is bad. We should not play with money and with the future of our students just for the sake of money.
So buy and read the sample paper but after proper guidance from your seniors. Take advice from the toppers of your school that how they prepare for the exams which cbse sample papers they had purchased. There are many samples papers for 10th class and 12th class cbse sample papers. You will find interest in solving sample papers if you have completed your course for that sunject. Other wise you may feel bore and sleepy. Don't west your precious time.
What to do After 10th class and 12th class board examination
For 10th class students: after completion of your board exams every students have to choose their stream whether among these: arts, commerce and science apart it many private central board of secondary education CBSE affiliated schools has now started new courses for the students just after 10th class. These courses include computer science, electronic science and many other specific technical courses. So if one wants to build his or her career right from you board examination, now you have the better options.
For 12th class students: now after completion of your 12th class exams, it is a time for bachelor degree courses. Various university offer various bachelor degree programs like B.A, B.Com, B.SC, BCA, B.Tech, BBA, and various other hon. Courses also in specific stream like English, political science etc.
If you are doing just a bachelor degree from any university then also don't forget to have the knowledge of basic computer course as it has now become the requirement of each organization and company. Every student wants to get good marks and take admission in a regular college but it is not possible in every student cases. So there are other options available for the students like correspondence courses by the various universities.
The courses structure of regular college course and correspondence course is almost same. So don't worry about the course. Many students deliberately choose correspondence course as they also want to do some other technical course simultaneously. It seems a very good idea which is not possible in regular course. So don't get depress if you are fails to get the admission in a regular college. Judge and ask yourself what you want to do, take the guidance from the seniors and choose the right way for your career.
ITI after 10th and 12th class
Are you planning for ITI courses are conducted by private as well as government institutions. ITI courses can be more categorized in as Non Engineering as well as Engineering courses. These two non and eng. Courses are organized by the SCVT and NCVT, State council and National council of vacation training. So if you are planning for these vocational courses after your examination, here is the list of 6th month short term vocational courses as well as long term courses offered by ITI. For more and latest courses you can contact to your nearest ITI institute.
6 Month Courses ITI COURSES:
Data Preparation Assistant
Short term Computer Courses
For 1 Year Courses ITI COURSES:
Moulder, Hand Compositor, Diesel Mechanic, Carpenter, Plumber, Winder, Mason, Sheet Metal Works, Forger & Heat Treater, Book Binding, Stenography, Gas Welding, Scooter Mechanic, Cutting and Tailoring , Beautician, Computer Course in Dos, WS, Lotus-123 & D-Base, Cutting & Tailoring, Welder, Letter Press Machine Operator, for more list contact your nearest branch.
2 Year Courses ITI COURSES:
Plastic Processing Operator, Electrician, Turner, Draughtsman Civil, Radio & T.V. Mechanism, Draughtsman Mechanical, Motor-vehicle Mechanic, Machinist (Grinder), Electronics Mechanic, Fiber Reinforced Plastic Course, Fitter, Refrigerator, Air Condition Mechanic for more and latest list of available courses contact to your nearest iti institute.
Reference: http://www.creativeteensclub.orgg/ctc
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