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Nuclear Accidents In India

Updated: Category: General
Author: Member Level: GoldPoints: 25

This write-up helps know the incidents of nuclear accidents in India.

Nuclear accidents

After Fukushima nuclear accident, there were widespread doubts in mind of every person regarding to safety of nuclear power stations in India. There were apprehensions if the same happens, what Indian government can do for the safety of people. There are six nuclear power plants in India and twenty nuclear reactors were installed in these nuclear power plants. Some groups have called for shutting down of these reactors. Some have called for moratorium on nuclear power plants under construction.

Are there any nuclear accidents in India?

There are nuclear accidents in India, but there is no nuclear disaster in India. India had so many accidents in its kitty, but they are not prominent as only economical loss is incurred but not the human loss. Some accidents caused heavier losses to environment too in addition to economical losses.

1987 Kalpakkam accident

Kalpakkam atomic power station is located in Tamil Nadu. It is nuclear power generating station with capacity of 440MW. This power station is run by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited. The accident occurred on 4th May, 1987. The accident occurred while refuelling process was going on for fast breeder test reactor which greatly damaged the reactor core. This led to the shutting down of the nuclear reactor for two years. As per 2006 monetary value, the loss incurred was 300 million dollars.

1989 Tarapur accident

Tarapur power plant is the highest nuclear energy producer with total capacity of 1400MW in India. It is located in Maharashtra. The accident occurred on 10th September, 1989. The leakage of radioactive iodine was the reason of this accident. It took one year for repairing which had cost around 78 million dollar according to 2006 value.

1992 Tarapur accident

Tarapur nuclear reactor tube released radioactivity due to its malfunctioning on 13th May, 1992. There is no untoward incident reported.

1993 Narora fire accident

Narora atomic power station is situated in Uttar Pradesh. Fire at turbine blades was the reason for accident. All important cables were burnt by this incident incurring 220 million dollar loss. Even though there is fire accident, there is no damage to reactor.

1995 RAPS leakage incident

Rajasthan atomic power station at Kota leaked helium. The heavy water was mixed with water of Rana Pratap Sagar river. The power station was closed for two years for repairs. The loss was estimated at 280 million dollars as per 2006 monetary value.

2002 Kalpakkam accident

Kalpakkam fast breeder reactor leaked the radioactive sodium which damaged the valves and systems led to the accident. This caused 30 million dollar loss.

2010 Mayapuri incident

Mayapuri is a place in Delhi. Negligence is the prime reason for this accident. Delhi University used an irradiator. But, it decided to sell it to scrap dealer as it was not in use for a longer time without observing the things in it. The workers of scrap shop went on cutting it unknowingly. They came into contact with radioactive cobalt substance which led to severe health problems and death of a person.

Disaster management in India is poor when we take into account of nuclear accidents between 1993 and 1995. In this period, India experienced more incidents of radioactive exposures to humans. There is need of taking safety measures to avoid nuclear hazardous incidents. To know about safety measures visit Nuclear accidents reasons and safety measures.

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Responses to "Nuclear Accidents In India"
Guest Author: Terracher Jacques   10 Nov 2014
Tarapur accident 89 and 92, what was the INES level ?
Did leaks damaged environment ?


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