Engineering Projects

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Performance of an Internal Combustion engine by heat balance sheet

This article gives an overview of the performance of an Internal Combustion engine (ICE) by using a heat balance sheet which is nothing but an energy balance principle as per the first law of thermodynamics. The heat produced during combustion is balanced in different ways.

Rivet and types of Riveted Joints

This article gives detailed information about riveted joints which are used for permanent joints in various structures. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of riveted joints are given to have a clear understanding of permanent joints and their area of application.

Challenges in thermal power generation and the opportunities ahead in future.

Today there is pressure on thermal power generation due to Government of India's emphasis on clean energy production such as solar power, hydro power, wind power and nuclear power. This is a transition time to migrate from thermal power generation to environmental friendly clean power generation. This article is about the present power scenario, problems and challenges in India.This article will also focus on providing future power solutions.

Compressibility - a basic concept in Fluid Mechanics

This article introduces the concept of compressibility and its importance in fluid mechanics and related areas. Compressibility gives an idea of how a fluid volume changes when subjected to a change in pressure or external force.

Introduction to java programming

Java is an object oriented programming language , whose syntax resembles C + + language . It was developed in 1990 by the company Sun Micro systems and formally introduced in 1995. This is the detailed article on java programming about its introduction, features, usage and programming concept.

The conditional structures in java programming

Conditional structures are the instructions that test whether a condition is true or not. These conditional structures can be associated with structures that are repeated according to the fulfillment of the condition, we call these structures of loop structures. This is the detailed article on conditional structures in java programming.

SQL: Use of Basic Queries

This article is intended to introduce the reader to the different ways in which they can query the database system in order to get the appropriate answer from a single table or even joining multiple tables.

Introduction of C Programming Language

C is a powerful and high level structured oriented programming language. Mostly Programmers use this language for developing software like DataBase, Complier, and so on. The most important thing about C is that if you master in C then you can easily learn other programming languages also because C is the base for many programming languages.

Final year project options in Mechanical Engineering

This resource helps you to decide on a final year project in Mechanical Engineering. It gives you tips and guidelines that are more important to consider while selecting any final year project topic. This article also explains prerequisites before the commencement of any project in final year mechanical engineering.

Automatic Pneumatic Plastic Injection Molding Machine

Injection molding process is a very fast and quick process to make things. The utilization of plastic is expanded now a days in numerous commercial enterprises such as car, bundling, restorative, and so on. The purpose for this is the plastic made things are calm simpler to fabricate, handle and solid to utilize. So the plastic merchandise fabricating commercial ventures are endeavoring hard to deliver great quality items everywhere scale and less expensive expense. The Hydraulic worked machines take care o

Offshore careers in Larsen & Toubro Hydrocarbon Engineering

Are you looking for a challenging career in the top company? Want to work in one of the leading Hydrocarbon Engineering companies? Then why not choose Larsen& Toubro as the company for your professional growth. Read this article to know the opportunities available for your job profile for a fulfilling career.

The factors affecting the combustion in engine cylinder

Performance of an automobile engine is based on the various factors that affect combustion in engines. In this article, I am going to explain the various factors which will affect the combustion process. As a mechanical engineer it is very much essential to have knowledge in the combustion process. Read below to grab it.

Inplant training experience on Chennai Metro Rail Project

I am studying III year civil engineering. I have completed my In-plant training on Chennai Metro Rail Project. It was guided by L&T company. I would like to share some of my knowledge on Metro Rail here. Surely,it would be useful to everyone.

Project: Different types of liquid level indicators

This project is all about the different water/fluid/liquid level indicators for water tanks at home or any place where it is required to measure the liquid level. This project describes three different types of water level indicators and also gives details on how to implement them.

Economics of combined hydro and steam power plants

In this article, I am going to explain about the Economics of a combined power plant. Also various factors affecting the power plant are described at the end. For increasing power demand, it is not efficiency to use stand-alone power plant. To meet this demand it is essential to provide a combine power plant. Read below to know more.

Guide for MCA Project Topics

In this post we will discuss how to select good projects for MCA academic project and score good marks. This article will explain why not to go for very generic and common projects which will reduce your chances of getting a good score. I will share one list of good projects for MCA as well which will help students get good marks in academic project work.

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and demodulation in detail

In this article, I will explain Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and demodulation in detail along with the necessary circuit diagram and frequency spectrum. This article is easy to understand, clear and with all the information. Suitable for study and training.

Working principle of Colpitt's oscillator

This is the article on working principle of Colpitt's oscillator. Here I am explaining the working principle of Colpitt's oscillator along with circuit diagram, wave-forms and necessary mathematical derivations in detail.

Computer Networks and its uses

It is said that the world has come closer and all credit goes to networking. In this article one would get knowledge about what is networking and a brief on the various uses of the same. One would also get idea regarding the widely discussed client-server model of networking.

SQL: Schema, Constraints - an overview

In this article one would get an overview of the schema evolution commands of SQL. The reader would also gain the basic knowledge regarding DBMS and its relation to SQL as well as the benefits of using SQL over the previously used querying languages.

UML Diagrams For The Case Studies Library Management System And Online Mobile Recharge

The following article contains 8 UML diagrams for two different case studies namely Library Management System and Online Mobile Recharge. I have given much emphasis on the diagrams rather than on the theory art because the diagrams are the most prominent part in UML to build any unit. All the diagrams look clearly understandable which compensates less text content. These diagrams are drawn by me after huge research done in the field of UML, it being my present subject in my B.Tech semester.

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