Botany Projects

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Modifications of Tap and Adventitious Roots

Root is a part of a plant which develops from radicle and grows towards the soil. The main functions of roots are absorption, conduction and fixation. But roots of different plants modified to perform different functions according to their habitat. In this article I am providing the modifications of tap roots and adventitious roots.

Prof. Birbal Sahni : Father of Indian Palaeobotany

Prof. Birbal sahni was the great son of mother India. He was the first Indian scientist who worked for Palaeobotany. Every botany student must know his work and achievement. In this article I am providing life history of Prof. Birbal Sahni. If you want to know about Birbal sahni read this article.

Botany project on Plant stress and tolerance

In this article I have submitted a Botany Project on Plant Stress and tolerance which is an all inclusive project for Botany students. This project includes Plant stress, effects of stress on soil, effects of stress on plants etc.

Morphology of stem : main charactieristics and types of stem

Stem is the most important portion of a plant. In this article I am providing morphology of stem. You will find main characteristics of stem, difference between stem and roots, types of stem and difference between under ground stem and root.

Structure Of DNA Molecule Proposed By Watson And Crick

In 1953 Watson and Crick proposed the model of DNA. It was a revolutionary event in the history of genetics. In this article I am providing a detail structure of DNA model proposed by Watson and Crick with suitable diagrams.

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