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Review: St. John The Baptist High School

School: St. John The Baptist High School, Thane
Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: teaching staff
Bad: None
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: Tressy Dsouza   
Member Level: Silver
Review Date: 22 Feb 2010
Points for Review: 8  (Rs: 2)

Read 4 reviews by Tressy Dsouza

St. John The Baptist High School, Thane Review

St. John is a Christian school and offers co-education through University of Mumbai. However, children of all religion irrespective of their caste and creed are offered quality education.

It has a pre-primary section for Jr.KG and Sr.KG, with a staff of 6 teachers, 6 helpers and a supervisor. Parents and teachers have meetings twice a year (for first and second semesters).

The Primary Section works in the afternoon (1:00pm to 6:00pm). Each standard has 6 divisions with 30 trained teachers handling 1750 students in this section. The students are encouraged to participate in various compitions (elocution, drawing and Fancy dress) held time to time. Physical trainers are employed to provide physical fitness to students.

The Secondary section is also as vibrant as the primary. Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities of school as well as inter-school.
This school has a very large basket ball courts, a quadrangle and a spacious pavilion.

Since there are no hostel facilities provided, it is not applicable in the rating shown below:

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