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School: Govt Secondary School, (Tamil & English), Port Blair

Review: GSS Haddo (Tamil & English) Medium Port Blair
Review By: T.Krishnamoorthy    Review Date: 24 Jan 2016   

This is the first Tamil Medium School in Port Blair. In the recent years, due to decreasing strength of Students in Tamil medium, the administration decided to start English Medium classes in parallel to the Tamil medium ones. Now both the English and Tamil medium are functioning in the school. The strength of Tamil medium is very low compared to English medium. It has good infrastructure and faculty members. As the school is located at the main road junction, it has good transport facility. There is no canteen facility within the school campus. However, outside the campus, you have the canteen facility.

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Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: Transport, faculty, infrastructure
Bad: Strength of Tamil medium is a matter of concern but good in English medium classes.
Recommend: Yes

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