GOVT. SECONDARY SCHOOL, Paschim Sagar Review Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman is located at a distance of 35 kilometer from the Diglipur Bazaar. People around this village depend on this school only. This school played a vital role in the development of this Village. Though the school is located at a distance of 30 KM from the Diglipur Bazaar still is considered as a hard area school. This area lacks some basic facilities such as road and other communication facilities. There is a seven kilometer muddy road which makes the journey of anyone to the most difficult during the rainy season. The people of this area putting pressure on the panchayat and administration to convert the muddy road into a tar road.
Medium & Classes of Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman : Bengali Medium - Class I to Class X. Bengali people were settled in this area under various settlement scheme. All are mainly depend on cultivation and fishing.
Major programs Implemented at Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman: Mid day meal programme, free book , free uniform to Below Poverty Line, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan etc.
Free book Scheme: Under this scheme all the children under 14 yrs of age are provided with free text books. All girl children are getting free books for promoting education among the girl children.
Free Uniform Scheme: Free Uniform is provided to all the children of Below Poverty Line.
Hostel Facilities Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman : There is no Hostel facilities. The student of this village are coming from the nearby areas.
How to reach Govt Secondary School, Ramnagar, North Andaman : As everyone is well known that reaching Paschimsagar is a difficult task during rainy season. There is a road up to to Kishorinagar from there onwards you will have a muddy road which can be covered by walk. The condition becomes worse in rainy season. The staff of this school usually stay in the quarter provided near the school.
Admission Criteria of Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman : The admission is taken on first come first serve basis more or less all the students are getting admitted in the school. No children is deny of admission.
Lab Facilities of Govt Secondary School, Paschimsagar, North Andaman : This school is having Computer and Science laboratories.
School Affiliation : This school is affiliated to CBSE and following the CCE Pattern from the session 2009-10 introduced by the Central Board of Secondary Education.