Govt Senior Secondary School, North Andaman, Kishori Nagar Review Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman This is one of the three Senior Secondary Schools of North Andaman area. This school is located at Kishorinagar village which is at a distance of around 25km from Diglipur Bazaar. The students from nearby villages used to take admission in this school. Village schools really proved to major extent in the development of a village. There are large number of Bengali People living around this school.
Academic Area of Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : As for as the academic area is concern, it is not quite sound but in between average and medium. Shortage of teachers always exists in this school. The teachers trying their level best to bring a good overall development of a child and it is true they succeeded in to some extent.
Medium of Teaching in Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : As mentioned in the introductory of this review, the Bengali people surrounded this area so the school is purely a Bengali Medium school. The children used to speak in Bengali inside the school campus.
Classes functioning in Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman From Class : Class I - Class X (Bengali Medium) Arts Stream : Class XI - Class XII (Bengali Medium)
Facilities at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman is having Modern Science Laboratory, Computer Laboratory,Library, Volley Ball court. etc apart from all the basic facilities such as electricity, water, furniture.
Hostel Facility at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : There is a small hostel attached to this school. The North Andaman area is widely spread from all direction. So, there are many students who are coming from interior areas used to make use of this hostel facilities. The administration is providing stipend to the hostelers.
School Bus Facility : There is no school bus facilities. Most of the students of this school coming from nearby villages. Few students use the service of State Transport Services for reaching this school. Cycling is the most used vehicle for transportation.
How to reach Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman is located nearby the main road. So, reaching this school is not a difficult task. The State Transport Services are inducted into the services for this area.
Playground Facility at Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : The school is having no playground. However there is a volleyball court inside the school campus.
Fee Structure of Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman : There is no tuition fee as this is a Govt financed school but small amount around 200 per year should be paid as examination and other allied fees.
Other Programs in the School : All Govt Programs are implemented like Mid-day meal, SSA, Free Book scheme etc.
Management / Affiliation : Govt. Senior Secondary School, Kishorinagar, North Andaman is under the management of Directorate of Education, Andaman and Nicobar Administration. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secodary Education and following the CCE pattern which is recently introduced by the CBSE.