Reviews » Colleges » Sri G.V.G Visalakshi College for Women, Udumalpet reviews »

Review: Review on GVG college

College: Sri G.V.G Visalakshi College for Women, Udumalpet
Extra Curricular:

Good: Good teaching
Bad: nothing
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Name: deepa   
Member Level: Gold
Review Date: 08 Jan 2011
Points for Review: 8  (Rs: 4)

Read 9 reviews by deepa

Sri G.V.G Visalakshi College for Women, Udumalpet Review

About the institution

The college is located near udumalpet.This is situated in the udumalpet to palani road at a distance of about 3 kms away from udumalpet.This is an esteemed institution known for its discipline.The Staff members are very kind to the students and they motivate the students to achieve higher level in their life.The college was founded by GVG educational trust.Many sister concerns are there for this institution.

Library is situated in the middle of the campus.It is having all the important books and journals for the benefit of the students.The library is having e journals also for the benefit of the students.

Hostel Facility
Separate hostels are available for first, second and third years.To avoid ragging Anti ragging committee is formed for all the departments separately and this helps the junior students also. Delicious and hygienic food is provided in the hostel. The mess bill is very less when compared to other institutions. In the mess sharing system is available. So the mess bill is different for every month and it depends on the number of working days of the college.

Science Departments in the college
Mathematics department has nearly 12 staff members to guide the students.They are guiding many doctorates.

Physics, Chemistry and Zoology departments are having very good lab facilities for the students.

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