College of Technology And Engineering, Udaipur Review It is located in the City of Lakes of Rajasthan i.e Udaipur. Studying in this college is great fun as teachers are very helpful and supporting. The college is located at a distance of about 7 km from Udaipur City railway station and bus terminal and about 2 km from Rana Pratap Nagar railway station. The library is housed in a separate building and caters the information need of the faculty, students and staffs. The total collection of the library is more than 50000 volumes, which comprise books, reports, theses, standards, current and back volumes of the journal and CD – ROMs. The College has an Information and Placement Bureau (IPB), functioning since 2001. The IPB caters to the needs of students in respect of their placement by inviting companies, MNCs/ Corporate and arranging on-campus recruitments for them and also acquainting them about the emerging job trends globally.