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Review: Govt Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair

School: Govt Senior Secondary School, Havelock-3, South Andaman, Junglighat
Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: infrastructure, transport
Bad: academic
Recommend: No
Review By:
Name: T.Krishnamoorthy   
Member Level: Gold
Review Date: 16 Apr 2011
Points for Review: 20  (Rs: 15)

Read 111 reviews by T.Krishnamoorthy

Govt Senior Secondary School, Havelock-3, South Andaman, Junglighat Review

Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair.

Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair is located in the heart of the city Portblair. This school is one of the oldest schools of portblair area. It also has all types of good transport facilities. Mostly, the children of poor people are studying here. Despite having all necessary basic facilities it lacks in the academic area. The helped a lot in the progress of poor people of this area. The students of this school posses all kinds of sports programmes. This school have a huge playground which is one of the additional basic facilities of the students. This school is under the control of Principal, Gsss (boys) who holds the responsibility of Drawing Disbursing Officer. The school secured very poor results in the board examinations for the last decade.

Academic Area of Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair. :

As said above the academic area of this school below the satisfactory level. Teachers and the management have to work hard jointly in bringing the academic level of this school to satisfactory or more. Generally, the children are from poor background where the parents find no time to spend with their children. They just work throughout the day and night to face the poverty.

Class & Medium of Teaching in Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair :

This is purely a Hindi Medium school. Here we can find children of all language.
Classes from I to X are functioning in this school.

Timing of Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair.

This school starts at 7.30am to 1.30pm and for the staff of the school it extends up to 3.00pm. The extended hours for the teachers is specially for preparing notes, lesson plan and notebooks correction etc.

Facilities at Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair :

This school has all basic facilities such as electricity, drinking water, furniture etc. Apart from the basic facilities it also have the facilities of sports goods, computer lab, science lab, library and many more.

Hostel Facility at Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair :

This school has no hostel facilities. As this school is situated at the heart of the city. No children of this school require this facilities.

School Bus Facility :

The school has no school bus facilities as the students of this school coming from nearby area by auto, jeep, scooter, motor cycle etc.

How to reach Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair:

Reaching this school is very easy because of most of the children coming to this school by autos, rickshaw and many more. You can find large number of students coming to this school by walk because they are at the walkable distance.

Playground Facility at Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair :

This school has very big playground. The same ground is used for celebrating durga puja during the festival season by the people of the localities. Annual Athletic Meet of this school is conducted in this ground.

Fee Structure of Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair :

This is purely a government owned school so, no fees are charging here in any manner. As this school following free and compulsory education under the RTE. Earlier, small amount of money around Rs100/- collected as an examination and other allied fees but it is totally restricted now.

Management / Affiliation :

Govt. Secondary School, Junglighat, Portblair is under the management of Directorate of Education, Andaman and Nicobar Administration. The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secodary Education and following the CCE pattern which is recently introduced by the CBSE.

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