GOVT. SECONDARY SCHOOL, Port Blair Review Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman is one of the oldest school of South Andaman area. This school plays a vital role in the development of this area. This area is mostly dominated by Muslim people as they were the descendant of freedom fighters arrested and brought to this Island from moplas in Kerala. Most people of this area are Malayalam speaking as all know that they are not interested in opening a Malayalam medium schools. All their children choose either Hindi or English medium schools. There are Tamil speaking people are also living in this area in considerable amount. This place is about 13km from Aberdeen Bazaar which is the core of Port Blair. This place have all kinds of basic facilities and good transport facilities. The roads were nicely made and simply the area is developing very fast. The villagers have perennial crops like coconut, betalnut and some spices as their cash crops.
Medium & Classes of Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman : This is purely a Hindi Medium school. All children used to speak in Hindi or in their mother tongue. No particular language is mandatory inside the school campus. After passing metric standard they search out nearest higher secondary schools for further studies. Mostly students take admission in Boys senior secondary school, Middle Point.
Classes functioning in Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman : Here the classes from I to X are functioning.
Timings maintained at Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman: The school timing is from 7.30am to 1.30pm however the teachers of this school have to present in the school up to 3.00 pm. This increased time is for preparing notes and other teaching aids for the next day teaching activities.
Hostel Facilities Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman : There is no hostel facilities.
How to reach Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman : There are many bus both private and STS rendering their excellent service in this area. So, you can have a bus in an interval of 40 minutes.
Admission Criteria of Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman: Getting admission in this school is not at all a great task. All children get admission on the basis of first come first serve. No one is denied of admission.
Facilities available at Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman : This school possess all basic facilities like drinking water, furniture, library, infrastructure etc. Apart from the basic facilities, the school also have computer lab, school playground, parking place, sports goods and many more.
School Affiliation & Management of Govt Secondary School, Calicut, South Andaman: The school is affiliated to CBSE and functioning under the management of Directorate of Education, Andaman and Nicobar Administration.