Sri TVS Rao Srikrishna Vidya Mandir, Visakhapatnam, Visakhapatnam Review Sri T.V.S.Rao Sri Krishna Vidya Mandir is located in Dwarakanagar, the prime are of the city. It is one of the best schools of the city and around twenty-three years old. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education - CBSE and is a co-educational school. The school conducts entrance exams even for children admitting into the upper kindergarten classes. The management of the school is Bharateey Vidya Kendram, Visakhapatnam.
The school is easy accessible from any corner of the city being located very close to the RTC complex and hence it has no transport facility of its own. The school has excellent faculty with good experienced teachers and its imparts education in English medium with much importance to Hindu traditional way. The schools gives much importance to sports and extra curricular and cultural activities. The students out shine in their performances in academics as well as in cultural activities.
The most important part of the school is that it was awarded the best school of the city continuously for several years. The school is built in a spacious area and it celebrates all the Hindu festivals with great fervor particular Sri Krishna Jayanti is celebrated in a great way when the most of the school kids are dressed as Lord Sri Krishna and many other girt students are dressed as gopikas. The celebration of Sri Krishna Jayanti in the school premises is an added attraction.
There is a separate block of the school in a separate location for the primary section and it is known with the name Sisu Mandir