Vedika High School, Rampura Review Vedika High School ,Rampura was established in 1999. It is conducted by Vedika Vidhya Samitee. The principal of this school is Mr. Hari Vallabh Mehta. It is a good school and most of the students of village area have been studying here since 1999. I am providing review of this school:-
School Building and Medium Rampura is surrounded by many villages. According to this condition this school provide the education in both English and Hindi medium. Hindi and English medium schools are conducted in separate buildings. Hindi medium school is conducted at Kushal pur road Rampura whereas English Medium School is conducted at Silawati Mohalla Rampura.
Transport Facility This school provide good transport facility. There three vehicle of the school to bring the students from villages. Almost 150 student are brought by these vehicles daily.
Students and staff There is staff of 22 teachers in this school. And almost 450 students are there in both Hindi and English medium. Teachers are almost young and energetic. Some teachers have good teaching experience. Mr. H.V. Mehta (Principal) has teaching experience of 18 years. Four teacher have almost 5 years of teaching. Some teacher are new but good qualified and energetic.
Computer Education This school provide compulsory computer education for the students from class 3rd to 10th class. This school has 9 computers to teach the students. Basic and internet are taught in this school.
CCTV Camera As I have mentioned that there are two separate building so there is a facility of CCTV camera. By using modern technology Principal always monitor the school on his mobile phone.
Games and sports There is a ground inside the building. The games played by the students of this school are Kabaddi, Kho-kho, Athletics and cricket.
Fees structure As I have mentioned that most of the students are of village area. Hence fees structure is maintained according to them. The fee in Hindi medium ranges from 60 Rs. Per month to 150 Rs. Per month. And the fee in English medium ranges from 150- 250Rs. Per month.
Curricular Activities This school always stand first in curricular activities conducted in Rampura on different occasion like 15th august , 26th January, Ganesh Mahotsava etc.
Conclusion Hence we can say that it is a good school for the students of village areas because the fee structure is good and teaching staff is energetic.