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College: Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai

Review: Panimalar Engineering College
Review By: sasi kala    Review Date: 21 Jul 2009   

Panimalar Engineering College was started in the year 2000 by Dr. Jeppiaar M.A, B.L, Ph.D., Chancellor, Sathyabama Deemed University. Its a Christian Minority Institution. It belongs to the JaiSakthi Educational Trust. Its present near Poonamallee, Chennai.
This college is one among the top ten engineering colllege in Tamil nadu. It has lots of university rank holders. The college offers both under graduation and post graduation courses. This college has good infrastructure and lab facilities. Students are brought up with nice discipline. Its a very strict institution. National level technical simposiums are conducted for all the departments to encourage all the students to participate in it. Various seminars are conducted inside the college campus to develop the skills of the students. Special training is given to all students for the placement.
College starts at 8.00 in the morning and ends at 3.00 in the evening. Each departments has a seperate blocks. There is a seperate hostel for boys and girls inside the campus. Mobile phones are not allowed inside the campus. All the students must strictly follow the dress code set by the institution.

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Extra Curricular:

Good: Academic, Discipline
Bad: Strict
Recommend: Yes

Review: About Panimalar
Review By: vallarasu.c    Review Date: 28 Mar 2010   

Dr.Jeppiaar is the founder and chairman of Panimalar engineering college. Dr.P.Chinnadurai is the Correspondent of college. The teaching and food is good is but the college administration imposing more rules on students. we can study but we want to pledge the enjoyable lifetime.

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Extra Curricular:

Good: education
Bad: more rules...,
Recommend: Yes

Review: Jail
Review By: Anonymus    Review Date: 26 Aug 2009   

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Extra Curricular:

Recommend: Not sure

Review: Panimalar Engineering College

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Review By: Swapna    Review Date: 04 Jan 2011   

Dr.Jeppiaar M.A., B.L., Ph.D, a man of success and a wide-angled ideology is the chancellor of Sathyabama University. The chairman and Founder of Panimalar Engineering College.
Panimalar Engineering College was started in the year 2000 By Dr.Jeppiaar M.A.,B.
L.,Ph.D,Dr. P.Chinnadurai, M.A.,Ph.D Secretary & Correspondent
Tmt.C. Vijayarajeswari, Director Thiru. C.Sakthi Kumar, M.E., Director Accreditated by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) Approved by All India Council For Technical Education, New Delhi , Government Of Tamil Nadu, and Affiliated to Anna University and Recognized By Government Of Tamil Nadu Certified For ISO 9001: 2000.Located in Nasarathpettai, Poonamallee
Chennai 602103.
The college will be Start at 8.00a.m and ends at 3.15 p.m.,it offers under Graduation with various streams and Post Graduation(MCA and MBA).All students must be come by College bus only,they providing buses to all areas with exact timing.All students in the campus should be neatly dressed with Identity card. All boys are expected to wear formals and girls should be dressed in Salwar Kameez with dhupata. For lab facility they providing LAB COAT, students must wear the lab coat before enter into the lab.Students should not carry the cell phones,it found with cell phones serve action will be taken.Before the University Exams they conducting Internal exams and model exams for each and every semester,all marks will be sent to your home.All classes will be start at 8.00 clock,totally 8 hours of class,each class hour will be 45mins.In morning session having 15mins coffee break and lunch break will 35mins. Breakfast,lunch and all providing in college itself, its very nice food and also they providing vegetarian in all days and 3days of non-vegetarian .
The college conduct National Level Symposiums for each and every department separately and also they encourage students to participate in National and International Conferences and also various topics to be given for Seminar to encourage the students inside the campus.Special training will be conducted by outside training institute for placement.
The infrastructure will be very nice with LAB and Library for each and every block.For each and every Department having separate blocks. Separate hostels for Boys and Girls with all facility including FOOD,LAB and all.
This College is one among the Top TEN colleges in Tamil nadu. Many students got GOLD MEDALS from different departments.About placements many Companies like WIPRO,HCL,INFOSYS etc will conduct the ON-Campus,lot of students has placed with good packages.
Im very proud to be student of Panimalar Engineering College

Panimalar Engineering College
Bangalore Trunk Road,
Nasarathpettai, Poonamallee
Chennai 602 103

Phone: 044 2649 0404/2649 0505/2649 0717

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Extra Curricular:

Good: Discipline ,Studies
Bad: Strict
Recommend: Yes

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