Reviews » Schools » Mother's Public School, Bhubaneshwar reviews »

Review: Glimpses of school memories.

School: Mother's Public School, Bhubaneshwar
Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: The Principal and the students of the school.
Bad: Too much money to investigate for admission and books.
Recommend: No
Review By:
Name: Sharala Soren   
Member Level: Bronze
Review Date: 16 Oct 2009
Points for Review: 15  (Rs: 8)

Read 1 reviews by Sharala Soren

Mother's Public School, Bhubaneshwar Review

It was the best school that I have ever been to. Of course one would say so. But even I say bad things about this school eventually good memories will drive into my mind. I was a shy type of a girl when I first admitted to this school. The teachers are strict but friendly inside Those who stick to their daily study routine may be very grave but actually when you look deeper into them they are just trying to make themselves represent best to us. And the most memorable time in my life in this school was the Annual Function of 2008. I was so desperate to encore in the stage that I secretly used to take 2 days leave from my new school and come to practice in my old school. Yes, that function was also my last departure and goodbye to the school. I love the principal the most. And the funny and Chubby MANASH Sir. I really admire him. I was foolish of thinking that I had no friend in there but I finally realized that if you really chase after something then eventually you may reach the sky you wanted to touch. This school taught me that well. Well the sad thing is will I be able to refresh my happy memories of this school again if I visit? I wonder. Anyone who is reading this review should look deeper into this. Cause I know eventually you will find the real meaning behind this story of my life.
You will really feel happy if you really study in this school. I BET.....

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