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College: Government Engineering College, Dahod

Review: Government Engineering College
Review By: Nilesh Patel    Review Date: 19 Mar 2010   

About College:
Government Engineering College in Dahod is approximately 2 kilometer away from the main S.T. Bus stand. At the starting time of College has no building. After some time Government approves some grant for new building and today very nice building is there. With the new building new staff, labs and all the necessary things to study are there. There is no hostel facility. As per me best way to live in Dahod is to take room in city area among friends or stay as a paying guest. Food facility is also good. Try to take the food at home (means lodging) and avoid hotels food as per possible. Hotels are also good but to take food at some one home who give lodging is much better then hotel. Every type of food is available in Dahod. Some known area to live are Station Road, Godi Road. Auto rickshaw facility is available to go college from S.T.Bus stand or any where from city. There are separate girls and boys hostel with free accommodation and food for Reserved category student. There is very good library facility, so students do not need to go outside to purchase books. And if some one want to purchase books from outside then also there are some book stores which sells Engineering books.
College faculties are also good. For more information about faculty one can visit web sites.

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Extra Curricular:

Good: Government college so nominal fees, Faculties are good.
Bad: College Hostel facility is not available, far from recidential area.
Recommend: Yes

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