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School: Stella Mary's School, Vadodara

Review: About Stella Marys School,Vadodara:
Review By: Kothari    Review Date: 26 Feb 2011   

About Stella Marys School,Vadodara:

Stella Marys School is a the most popular school located in Vadodara,Gujarat.Stella Marys School is a high school managed by the Mayflower Educational & Social Service Trust which is Christian Trust. Stella Marys School recognized by the Department of Education, Gujarat State.

This trust conducts educational centers, day school, semi-day school for working parents and regular school for general public. Also we run hoste / residential facilities for school / college going students and also for working men and women.
It also has Pre-School and Primary School also.School provides Gujarati and English as the media of instruction.Students of this school speaks both Gujarati as well as English inside the school Campus.

Classes functioning in Stella Marys School,Vadodara:

Classes VI to X
Classes XI & XII Commerce and Arts stream.

Teaching Faculty at Rosary High School,Vadodara:

This school has highly qualified teachers and they work hard to improve the quality of students in all fields.Teachers also organizes the education tour at different places.The school also conduct the various extra activities other than the syllabus. The aim of such kind of activity is to improve the over all performance of the students.

Facilities at Stella Marys School,Vadodara:

Stella Marys School provides Computer Lab,Laboratory,Library, Volley Ball court. etc apart from all the basic facilities such as electricity, water, furniture.

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Lab facilities:
Experience Level of Teachers:
Quality of Teaching:
Academic Level of students:
Hostel Facilities:
Accessibility :
Transport Facilities:
Fees Structure:

Good: Education
Bad: Transportation
Recommend: Yes

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