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Review: The College of Verterinary And Animal science

College: College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner
Extra Curricular:

Good: Good College
Recommend: Yes
Review By:
Member Level: Gold
Review Date: 01 Mar 2011
Points for Review: 5  

Read 14 reviews by CHARIS ISRAEL ANCHA

College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner Review

The College of Veterinary And Animal Sciences was Established in 1954 is now an Element of newly formed “ Rajasthan University Of veterinary and Animal Sciences" , Bikaner.

The University aims to bring more production in Agriculture, Improve economic conditions of The Farmers and in Animal Husbandry Sector , Carry Production Oriented research Programs, Rural Mass Education, Adoption and Propagation of new Technologies by Coordinating veterinary education.

The College is well Equipped with Laboratories and Dissection Hall, Spacial ClassRooms, Necessary Number of Hostels, Stores, Housing for Poultry and Livestock, Workshop, Auditorium, NCC Wing, Guest House, Faculty House, Bank, Departmental Rooms, Clinical Facilities, Library, Computer Lab,Canteen, Internet Centre, A Maceration Room, An Incinerator, A PostMortem Facility, Riding Ring and a Museum.

The College Has the Buildings like

1) Bijey Bhavan Palace Harbouring Dean Office Departments of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology and Directorate of Research (Veterinary & Animal Science) of the university.
2) Sadul Sadan Houses Department of Animal Nutrition and Examination Center.
3) State Library Building houses the Department of Vety. Anatomy & Histology.
4) Separate buildings are there for the Departments of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Animal Reproduction-Obstetrics and Gynecology, Veterinary Microbiology, Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Veterinary Parasitology, L.P.M, L.P.T. Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education, Veterinary Physiology and Veterinary Biochemistry.
5) Animal Biotechnology Laboratory building is Overall Air-conditioned and housing Department of Veterinary Microbiology, for animal disease surveillance, monitoring and diagnosis as well as Training Center.
6) Five Hostels for boys with a total capacity to accommodate 250 students and a separate hostel for girls.
7) Five Lecture theatres. Etc.


The candidates who are residents of Rajasthan are Eligible for Scholarships.
1)University Merit Scholarships:

Scholarships for PG and Ph.D:

a)Two Scholarships in M.V.Sc for each subject, Basing on the students performance in the first semester of M.V.Sc the scholarship is Granted.
b)Two Scholarships in Ph.D for each subject, Basing on the students performance in M.V.Sc Level the scholarship is Granted.

2)Scholarship Offered by the Government of India by advertisements in newspapers and issued through the Director of College.

a) National scholarship scheme : Merit scholarship is awarded to the post matric students who have passed the last examination from any of the educational institutions situated in rajasthan and His/Her parent's annual income should not be above Rs. 25,000.

b) National loan scholarship scheme: Merit scholarship is awarded to the students who have passed specified annual examination (with full subjects), conducted by any statutory examination body, with at least 50 % in aggregate with in first attempt and the income of His/Her parent's and the student together Should not be above Rs. 25,000 per annum. This scholarship is renewable each year.

c) Need cum merit scholarship : All students whose parents guardian's have an annual income of Rs. 20000/- and below, and secure 60 % marks or above in the last qualifying examination will be eligible to apply for this scholarship.

d) Scholarship to children of political sufferers: All children of political sufferers of rajasthan having an annual income less than 3600/- can avail of this scholarship provided they are studying in colleges situated in Rajasthan.

3) The Scholarships awarded by the Director of Primary and secondary education, Government of Rajasthan, Bikaner.

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