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Ajanta Public School, Gurgaon

Ajanta Public School is situated in sector - 31 Guragon of Haryana State. This CBSE affiliated school is one among the prominent schools of Haryana state. This page provides the complete information regarding Ajanta Public School, Haryana.
School Name: Ajanta Public School, Gurgaon
Address: Ajanta Public School
Sector- 31, Gurgaon- 122001,
State: Haryana   Schools in Haryana
City: Gurgaon   Schools in Gurgaon
Pincode: 122001
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: ,91- 124-2381823, 91-124- 2381824
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Ajanta Public School
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Ajanta Public School

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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It is established in year 1999. Founders of school are Dr. Ramesh Kapoor and Vaibhav Kapoor. It has its pre-school wing called Ajanta's little "Noddies". It is CBSE affiliated, co-ed school. It is on provisional affiliation up-to 2016.


Campus area of Ajanta Public school, Gurgaon is 5 Acre. It has its own swimming pool, gymnasium, dance room.
It is centrally A.C school, having an auditorium (Capacity 300 students.). Audio visual facility is available in auditorium.
It has six laboratory, Physics, Chemistry, biology and three computer labs. Three computers labs are for junior, middle and senior students.
Security is also provided with CCTV cameras near gates and needed places. School also maintain library for students.


  • School has its own all girls band.
  • School also organize inter house competitions, a proper student council is organised. Sports captain and house captain, prefect are the member of the student council with head girl and head boy.
  • Various sports training is also provided in school like, baseball, Karate, football, cricket(boys), cricket (girls). Skating team also has won national event.
  • School organize different seminar to develop self expression through arts and various medium. Study tour are also organised from time to time. Parle factory, hero honda plant and national museum are the place where students are taken every year to learn more about practical aspects of their career and business.
  • Career counseling is also available in school. School also encourage extra curricular activities among student and also have score good position in inter school collage making, power point presentation, poster making competition etc.
  • If a student do well in class tenth, 50 % of annual fee is waved off.
  • School also maintain different clubs,Health and fitness club, computer club, art club, Eco club, rotary interact club, Science club, G.K club, Heritage club, English club and art and craft club etc.

Minimum five years of experience is required to apply as TGT, PRT in school.

School timings

  • Summer 7:30 am to 1:30pm
  • Winter 7:45am to 1:30 pm

  • - Chitra Rana Raghav

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