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Sainik School, Rohtak,
Sainik School has ranked the best in the Haryana. Check this post to know more about where the school is present, how to get in touch with the school.
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- Gita Vidya Mandir Public School, Panipat,
- Swaranjali Public School, Mohindergarh,
- MLS DAV Public School, Mohindergarh,
- Mata Mariam Jan Seva Vidyalaya, Mohindergarh,
- Maharishi Vidya Mandir, BAWAL
- Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Mohindergarh,
- Jain Public School, Rewari
- DAV Public School, Mohindergarh,
- Kendriya Vidyalaya, Rewari
- Prakash Public School, Karnal
- Haryana Police Public School, Karnal
- DAV Girls' Senior Secondary School, Karnal
- DAV Centenary Public School, Karnal,
- Adarsh Public School, Karnal,
- Sunshine Public School, Kaithal
- Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Jind,
- Dewan Bal Krishan Public School, Jind
- Vishvas Adhyatmik Senior Secondary School, Hissar,
- St. Sophia Higher School, Hissar,
- St. Kabir's Residential & Day School, Hissar
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