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Dayananda Anglo Vedic School, Chennai

Are you looking for information related to Dayanand Anglo Vedic School which is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu? Your search for address, Telephone number email address and information about DAV School Chennai ends here.
School Name: Dayananda Anglo Vedic School, Chennai
Address: Sree Nandeeswarar Campus, Adambakkam,
Chennai - 600088, Tamil Nadu
State: Tamil Nadu   Schools in Tamil Nadu
City: Chennai   Schools in Chennai
Pincode: 600088
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 044 2260 1845; 2260 3544
Board: CBSE
Management: Adambakkam Arya Samaj Vedic Education
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: DAV School
School Type: Kinder Garten, High School

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About Dayananda Anglo Vedic School

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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Dayananda Anglo Vedic School (DAV), Adambakkam was started in the year 1985. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary education, New Delhi and it offers education up to class X. English is the medium of instructions in the school. The school works hard for the development of the intellectual skills, personality and talent of the students. Special coaching is given to the class X students who appear for the board examinations. The school has good infrastructure and experienced teachers. Overall the school aims to provide holistic education to the students and raise them as a responsible citizen of India with good quality and manners.


The school follows XSEED curriculum for KG classes. For the primary, middle and high school classes, DAV follows the syllabus of CBSE board. The subjects offered in the school are listed below.

Class I to III: English, Second Language (Hindi / Tamil), Third Language (Hindi / Tamil), Maths, EVS

Class III to VIII: English, Second Language (Hindi / Tamil), Third Language (Hindi / Tamil / Sanskrit), Maths, Science, Social Studies

Class IX and X: English, Second Language (Hindi / Tamil), Maths, Science, Social Science


DAV school is located at an accessible location in Adambakkam, Chennai. The school has large buildings and the classrooms present in the school are ventilated, furnished and provides a good learning atmosphere to the students. The KG rooms in the school are colorful, spacious and are fitted with LED televisions to visualize rhymes and stories with an amazing audio effect. A play area is available for the kids with equipment such as swing, merry go round, mazes, climbers, slides, etc.

Theory is incomplete without practical education, so to conduct practical classes the school has laboratories for physics, chemistry, biology, computer and maths. To improve the reading habit of the students, the school has a library with wide collection of books and a reading room. For interactive teaching and learning, the school has an Audio-Visual (AV) room with digital teaching aids such as digital cameras, multimedia projectors and other audio-video equipment. To conduct meetings, orientation camps and cultural activities, the school has an auditorium with a seating capacity for 700 students. A playground with facilities to play both indoor and outdoor games is also available inside the campus to improve the sports talent of the students.


Sports and Games are the integral part of the curriculum at DAV. The students are given special coaching and training in sports such as throwball, basketball, volleyball, kho-kho, kabaddi,etc. The school regularly conducts yoga classes to improve the fitness of the students. Music and dance are the other activities carried out at the school.

- Soundharya

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