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Marthoma High Secondary School, Indore

School Name: Marthoma High Secondary School, Indore
Address: Sukhlia, Indore
State: Madhya Pradesh   Schools in Madhya Pradesh
City: Indore   Schools in Indore
Pincode: 452001
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 2551246
Board: Madhya Pradesh State
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School Type: Higher Secondary School

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About Marthoma High Secondary School

Marthoma higher secondary school was formed by members of marthoma church Indore in the early nineties,it was started as a small primary school in a rented house, the story begins from there, bunch of students joined it that time and as the teaching quality improved as well as the funding, it lead to the start of new section for the students as well as the members of the school governing body, as of now marthoma school have three different school running simultaneously and one of which is a cbse school.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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    Updates & Comments:

    Posted By: DARWIN SAMUEL    Posted Date: 26 Nov 2010   
    Marthoma higher secondary school was formed by members of marthoma church Indore in the early nineties,it was started as a small primary school in a rented house, the story begins from there, bunch of students joined it that time and as the teaching quality improved as well as the funding, it lead to the start of new section for the students as well as the members of the school governing body, as of now marthoma school have three different school running simultaneously and one of which is a cbse school.

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