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Ashoka Universal School, Nasik

School Name: Ashoka Universal School, Nasik
Address: Ashoka Marg, Wadala, Nashik - 422006
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Nasik   Schools in Nasik
Pincode: 422006
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: (91)-9922941939,9922941940
Board: Maharastra State
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School Type: High School

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About Ashoka Universal School

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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Ashoka Universal School is ICSE affiliated and runs under Ashoka Education Foundation. Established in year 2005 and growing well in Nasik. It is spread into 4 campuses at different places in Nasik, they are Wadala (separate school for pre-primary wing and primary to secondary wing) Sinnar and Chandsi. Location is easily accessible.


This school has a fabulous infrastructure at every branch and provides below facilities considering overall development of the students.
  1. Smart class: Vast and clean infrastructure accommodate adequate number of classrooms with smart class modules which makes teaching and learning process effective and interesting.
  2. Audio visual room: These rooms are used for video conferencing purpose. Faculty and students both can use it.
  3. Playground: Spacious playground available to host different kinds of sports. Sports included here are football, volleyball, khokho, basketball, badminton, cricket, judo, karate, shooting, aerobics fencing, gymnastics, athletics and other indoor games like chess. Well trained coaches appointed to train students in the respective fields. Pre-primary and primary students are facilitated with the appropriate kind of games according to their age group.
  4. Infirmary: This school also has an infirmary in case someone tackles with any kind of health problems. Dental and eye check up conducted once in a year. This is able to get linked up with the topmost hospitals if emergency occurs.
  5. Dinning Hall: A capacious dinning hall available capable to accomodate 400 students at a time and serves purely vegetarian lunch and snacks to the students. Friday's menu is special one.
  6. Computer laboratory: It is equipped with sufficient number of computers so as to facilitate students learning on independent computer.
  7. Science laboratories: Separate labs provided for physics, chemistry and biology, they are supplied with modern facilities.
  8. Other laboratories such as mathematics laboratory, geography laboratory, linguistic laborator and library also available. Each and every laboratory is well facilitated to fulfill the requirements of students.


  1. Academics well balanced with sports and extra curricular activities. School takes care of overall development of the students in each and every aspect. They are applauded to participate actively in sports and other events.
  2. Students perform in vocal, dance, instrumental music (like casio, guitar and tabla). Also they are encouraged for painting, word art, pottery, sculptures, art and crafts.
  3. School organizes summer camp for its students. Various activities like valley crossing, trekking, map reading basic knots, parasailing and rafting are practiced here.


Following are the contact details for admission:
Wadala (primary to secondary wing)
E-mail id:
Contact No: (0253) 6648777; 7774019529

Wadala (pre-primary wing)
E-mail id:
Contact No: (0253) 2237711; 9552820133

Email id:
Contact No: 7350001445

Email id:
Contact No: (0253) 6453929; 9552527746

- Kiran

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