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Shree Bharathi Vidyalaya, Bangalore

School Name: Shree Bharathi Vidyalaya, Bangalore
Address: CA-14, 5th Main Road,
11th Cross, R.P.C. Layout
Vijayanagar, Bangalore - 560040
State: Karnataka   Schools in Karnataka
City: Bangalore   Schools in Bangalore
Pincode: 560040
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 080-23112134
Board: ICSE
Management: Private Schools
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About Shree Bharathi Vidyalaya School

Route: The school is close by to Vijaynagar bus depot. Hampi nagar park is also close by to the school.

1. Admission are open from nursery to 10th standard.
2. ICSE syllabus from 1st standard to 7th standard.
3. ICSE and state syllabus from 8th to 10th standard.

Timings of the school:
1. Nursery, LKG, UKG - 8.55 am to 12.00 nnon (with a short break)
2. 1st standard to 10th standard- 8.55 am to 3.10pm and on Fridays the timings is 8.55 am to 8.40pm.

Facilities at the school:-
1. School provides transportation within 15 kms radius.
2. The school campus includes playground.
3. The school is well equipped with library, physics lab, chemistry lab and biology lab.
4. The computer lab with internet facility and for computer education the school is tied up with NIIT.
5. Yoga, music, debating and quiz competitions are a part of the co-curricular activities.
6. The school can use their talents like drawing, story writing, jokes, article writing ability for the school magazine-the mirror.
7. Scholarships are given to eligible students.

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Posted By: Sharada    Posted Date: 12 Jan 2012   
CA-14, 5th Main Road,
11th Cross, R.P.C. Layout
Vijayanagar, Bangalore - 560040

Principal:Mr.Shivananda C.S

Route: The school is close by to Vijaynagar bus depot. Hampi nagar park is also close by to the school.

1. Admission are open from nursery to 10th standard.
2. ICSE syllabus from 1st standard to 7th standard.
3. ICSE and state syllabus from 8th to 10th standard.

Timings of the school:
1. Nursery, LKG, UKG - 8.55 am to 12.00 nnon (with a short break)
2. 1st standard to 10th standard- 8.55 am to 3.10pm and on Fridays the timings is 8.55 am to 8.40pm.

Facilities at the school:-
1. School provides transportation within 15 kms radius.
2. The school campus includes playground.
3. The school is well equipped with library, physics lab, chemistry lab and biology lab.
4. The computer lab with internet facility and for computer education the school is tied up with NIIT.
5. Yoga, music, debating and quiz competitions are a part of the co-curricular activities.
6. The school can use their talents like drawing, story writing, jokes, article writing ability for the school magazine-the mirror.
7. Scholarships are given to eligible students.

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