Anand Vidya Vihar (AVV) School located in Gotri Road of Vadodara city, Gujarat was started in the year 2000 and is managed by Bal Shikshan Samiti Trust. AVV is a co-educational school and has been recognized by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Here classes start from 1st standard and go up to senior secondary level, through science, commerce and humanity streams.
InfrastructureSchool is having all academic facilities like full-fledged lab facilities for physics, chemistry, biology and information technology practical learning. Section wise 2 libraries are there in this school. One is for juniors and another one is for seniors with a varied collection of books, magazines, periodicals, VCDs, DVDs, etc. The school is also having separate facilities for conducting various seminars/meetings, workshops, group discussion, etc. Dining hall facility is there in this school to serve nutritious meals prepared by experienced catering staff for the students and staff.
Physical education: Anand Vidya Vihar has a separate department for physical education which is an important part of the school curriculum. With the help of well-trained staff, students are getting mentally and physically trained through indoor and outdoor games namely yoga, gymnastics, chess, caroms, scouts & guide, football, basketball, handball, throw ball, volleyball, cricket, satodiya, badminton, table tennis, artificial rock climbing, rappelling, net climbing, skating, martial art, gardening, athletics, etc.
Cultural activity Students of Anand Vidya Vihar are having wonderful opportunities to get practice from the basic level to the masters level in Indian classical, Western Classical, Vocal and Instrumental Music along with dance. The musical instruments include the Sitar, Tabla, Harmonium, Drums, Keyboard, etc.
School location facility Banks, ATMs, main bus depo, main Vadodara railway station, police station, hospitals, restaurants, etc. all are within a distance of 5 km. 24 hours transportation (rickshaw, taxi) facilities are available. - kb