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Apeejay School, Nerul, Navi Mumbai

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School Name: Apeejay School, Nerul, Navi Mumbai
Address: Sector 15 Opp Jain Temple, Near Nerul Railway Station, Nerul,
Navi Mumbai - 400706
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Nerul, Navi Mumbai   Schools in Nerul, Navi Mumbai
Pincode: 400706
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 022-27703635 Fax No:022-2770 0179
Board: CBSE
Management: Private Schools Apeejay Educational Society
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: Apeejay School, Nerul
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Apeejay School, Nerul, Navi Mumbai

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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Apeejay School is located in Nerul town in the Navi Mumbai area. It is a co-educational institute and offers education from nursery to class XII in pre-primary, primary, middle & secondary, and senior secondary segments. It was founded in the year 1986 under the Apeejay Education Society. The school is affiliated to CBSE and its affiliation number is 1130023.


Admission forms are available in the school office and can be collected by the interested persons for admission of their wards. This activity generally starts in the month of November and is also advertised in national newspapers like Times of India and Hindustan times and by the month of December, the list of shortlisted candidates is displayed on the school notice board. The session starts in the month of April every year. The children desiring to seek admission in the nursery should attain the age of 4 years by 31st December of the academic session for which admission is being sought.


School has one library which is having a good number of books, newspapers, journals, and magazines for the reference and use of the students.

There are science laboratories in the school for science practicals. The school has one computer lab also for the computer-related learnings of the student.

To inculcate scientific temperament in the student, there is one science park in the school where various gadgets are presented along with a description display for the knowledge of the students. There is detailed instruction, as to how to use the gadget, mentioned in the description.

School has indoor and outdoor sports facilities for the students and sports coaching is also provided.

- Neeru Bhatt

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    Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 01 Oct 2011   

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