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Army Public School, Kirkee, Pune

Want to find the exact phone numbers and address of Army Public School, Pune, Maharashtra? Read here to get complete information like phone numbers, address, official mail ID and impartial reviews about Army Public School Kirkee, Pune.
School Name: Army Public School, Kirkee, Pune
Address: C/o HQ BEG & Centre
Kirkee, Pune – 411003
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Pune   Schools in Pune
Pincode: 411003
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 020-26683454
Board: CBSE
Management: Army Welfare Education Society
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: APS Kirkee
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Army Public School, Kirkee, Pune

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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It is an Army school located in Kirkee, Pune. It offers education till 12th standard and that too with a reasonable fee structure. The school is meant especially for children belonging to Army families.

School timings and visiting hours

Being an Army School, it follows the time table and visiting hours very strictly. The school works 6 days a week- Monday to Saturday. Every 2nd Saturday of a Month is Holiday for them.
The timings are 07.40 am till 01.50 pm and the students are instructed to reach School at least 5 minutes before the school starts. Early leaving due to any reason is not allowed and if the student is sick and needs a Doctor's appointment, he or she will need to take a leave on that particular day.
If we talk about visiting hours, they have an arrangement for Parent-Teacher meetings on the last day of every month. The timings are from 11.30 am till 01.00 pm. During these meetings, parents and teachers interact with each other and exchange the details about students. If parents want to meet teachers on any other day, they need to take prior permission from the principal and the timings for the same are from 12.00 to 01.00 pm. Parents may meet the Principal between 1200 hrs to 1300 hrs on any working day.

Admission at Army Public School, Kirkee

Admissions can be made all around the year for Army personnel due to transfers. The students who are from Army school itself will not need to clear any entrance examination and will be directly taken depending upon merit and available seats.

How to apply

- For application, parents or Guardians need to apply through the registration form available with the Prospectus. It can be collected from the School Office against the payment of Rs. 50/-.

After submission of the filled registration form, a date for an admission test will be given and the students who are already belonging from Army School will be allowed to process their admission further.

Required documents- Find below the list of required documents for admission purpose-
  1. Proof of age
  2. Birth certificate certified by a valid authority
  3. If the student is from Army family, then extract of their record of service attested by their commanding officer is required.
  4. Transfer Certificate obtained from the previous school
  5. Latest Report Card is to be submitted
  6. Caste Certificate only if he or she is belonging to reserved caste

Details about Admission Test

Children coming from Army school will not have to appear for any entrance tests but this may not be applicable for admissions in 10th, 11th and 12th standards. In the later case, they me need to appear for an evaluation test.

The subjects for exams are as follows-
- For Primary and Middle classes- English, Hindi and Mathematics
- For Secondary Classes, 8th to 10th- English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies
- For 11th and 12th standards- English and their elective subjects

School Bus facility

The school provides pick up and drop service for students at the rate of Rs 450.00 per month. The areas covered for this service are Dighi and Alandi Road via Tingre Nagar.

- Padmini

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    Updates & Comments:

    Posted By: Vandana    Posted Date: 30 Jan 2021   
    The correct website of Army Public School, Kirkee is-

    The correct phone number is - 020-26683454.

    It is suggested to remove the part of the text about the fee structure, including the PDF URL that has been provided for the fee structure, as it is invalid.

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