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Army Public School, Pune

Searching for school admission for your child? Army Public School can offer one of the best educational facilities to develop your kids innate abilities. Find latest contact details of Army Public School, Pune, Maharashtra here.
School Name: Army Public School, Pune
Address: Dighi, Pune- 411015
State: Maharashtra   Schools in Maharashtra
City: Pune   Schools in Pune
Pincode: 411015
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 020- 65106915, 020- 27150895
Board: CBSE
Management: Government Schools
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: APS, Dighi
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Army Public School

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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It is established in year 1980 and till date it is working in the direction of providing education for children. The school aimed to facilitate the education for children belonging families related to armed forces. The school has provision for 1st to 9th standards. It is affiliated with CBSE, New Delhi and follows the curriculum approved by Central Board.

Facilities at school premises

The school provides all the facilities required for overall growth of kids. They equally emphasize the growth of body as well as mind. Such environment makes students bright in their future in all circumstances. They also learn the value of our culture and value it.
If we talk about infrastructure facilities at school, they have a rich library for students. They are allowed to take books home with the help of their Library cards provided by school. The school also gives computer education which is compulsory from 1st till 9th standards. The school compound is under CCTV surveillance all the time for security reasons.
They have smart classes inbuilt with digital facilities. The teaching tools are advanced which make learning interesting. 3D animations are also used by teachers for easy understanding of facts. Other tools like mcq's, virtual laboratory of simultaneously worksheets, mind maps, etc. are also used depending upon the requirement.

Other activities

As mentioned, the school focuses on physical growth of very student. They conduct regular sport activities on Inter House Basis. These include both indoor as well as outdoor games.
Apart from games, they conduct other creative competitions like card making, poem writing, debate, spelling writing, etc. which teaches a healthy winning strategy to students.
The school also arranges Open Houses after each exam. These are basically designed for parent teacher interactions and teachers give the report of students to their parents. The parents get prior notice about it through the school diaries on their children.

- Padmini

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