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Arm Public School Kaluchak Jammu

Are you searching for Army School, Kaluchak, Gangyal details? Want to know about the admission process to Army School, Kaluchak, Gangyal and the other latest details? Check out this school post for reliable details.
School Name: Arm Public School Kaluchak Jammu
Address: Army Public School
Gangyal PO, Jammu- 180010
State: Jammu and Kashmir   Schools in Jammu and Kashmir
City: Jammu   Schools in Jammu
Pincode: 180010
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 0191 2482444, 2482443
Board: CBSE
Management: Army Welfare Education Society
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: APS Kaluchak
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Arm Public School Kaluchak Jammu

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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Initially started as a school for toddlers in 1978, Army Public School Kaluchak was brought under the administration of the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) in 1991. The co-ed school is now a higher secondary school affiliated with CBSE (Affiliation ID 730016). At the higher secondary level, students can opt for Science, Commerce, or Humanities. Qualified and experienced teachers are ably supported by administrative and general staff. In addition to trained primary teachers, and graduate and postgraduate teachers, there is a Special Educator, and a Counsellor-cum-Wellness teacher.

APS Kaluchak Campus infrastructure

The spacious campus has over a hundred classrooms, computer labs with internet facilities, science labs, a library, a canteen, a medical room, hygienic washrooms, etc. There are ample facilities, too, for sports and indoor games.

Admission procedure

Parents keen to get admission for their wards to APS Kaluchak should look out for admission notifications in the local newspapers of J&K as well as on the school's official website. The fee structure is also provided on the website. There will initially be a registration and admission fee, and the subsequent school fees include those for the library, usage of labs, exam fees, etc. The school office can be contacted to confirm the list of documents that are required to be submitted along with the application for admission.

- Vandana

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    Posted By: Ravi Shankar    Posted Date: 26 Feb 2021   
    the contact numbers of the school 0191 2482444, 2482443

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