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Aditya Birla Higher Secondary School, Veraval

School Name: Aditya Birla Higher Secondary School, Veraval
Address: P.O. Veraval
Dist. Junagadh
Pin – 362233
State: Gujarat   Schools in Gujarat
City: Veraval   Schools in Veraval
Pincode: 02876-2216
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 02876 - 221676,Fax number: 02876-243220
Board: Gujarat State
Management: Private Schools Aditya Birla Group
Other Popular Names: Other popular names: ABHSS, Veraval
School Type: PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School

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About Aditya Birla Higher Secondary School

The Aditya Birla Higher Secondary School Veravel was set up in 1963 & in 1967 the school started its Higher Secondary Sections with both Arts and Commerce streams. Today, this Co-educational English Medium Higher Secondary School has over 2000 students and 71 teachers. The school is affiliated to the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board.

Infrastructure and facilities

Science & Computer labs, a library and sports facilities for outdoor games like Cricket, Football, Handball and Athletics.

Extra-curricular and co-curricular activities

Art & craft and music departments of the school encourage students to showcase their talent in these fields. Cultural and literary activities too are organized.

At the junior level, there are divisions of Scouts & Guides, with students attending scouts and guides camps organized by the State Govt.

Admission procedure

Admissions start in the first week of June every year. Admissions are subject to availability of seats and performance in the entrance test.

For admissions to Nursery, the child should be 3 years and 6 months as on 1st June of the year of admission.

For admission in Std.11 the minimum eligibility is as per the marks scored in the Std.10 Board exams. For the science stream it is minimum 85% for an external candidate and minimum 80% for an internal candidate. For the Commerce stream, it is minimum 75% for an external candidate and minimum 70% for an internal candidate.

A transfer certificate in original and a photocopy of the mark sheet must be submitted at the time of admission for higher levels. It is mandatory to submit the Birth certificate of the student at the time of admission to any class.

If a student wishes to make a change of stream/subject at the Class XI level, it must be done on or before 31st August.

Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

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    Updates & Comments:

    Posted By: Gypsy    Posted Date: 02 Oct 2011   
    Website: (The weblink already mentioned in the post does not work.)

    Board: CBSE (not Gujarat State)

    Management: Aditya Birla Group

    Other Popular Names: ABPS

    Posted By: Pramod Dabholkar    Posted Date: 16 Feb 2012

    Fax number: 02876-243220

    Other popular name: ABHSS, Veraval.

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