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Smt. V.D.Desai (Wadiwala) School, Surat
School Name: |
Smt. V.D.Desai (Wadiwala) School, Surat
Address: |
Anand Mahal Rd, Narottam Nagar, Surat - 395009, Gujarat, INDIA. |
State: |
Gujarat Schools in Gujarat |
City: |
Surat Schools in Surat |
Pincode: |
395009 |
Country: |
India Find schools in India |
Telephone Number: |
Email: |
Website: | |
Board: |
Gujarat State |
Management: |
Bhulka Bhavan Trust, Surat |
Other Popular Names: |
Other popular names: Bhulka Bhavan School |
School Type: |
Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool, Middle School, High School, Higher Secondary School |
About Smt. V.D.Desai (Wadiwala) School, Surat
Bhulka Bhavan Trust is established on 15-3-1975 Primary Section Started on 6-6-1976 Pre-Nursery Section Started on 12-6-1975 Secondary Section Started on 1-9-1983 Higher Secondary Section : Commerce Stream started on 19-10-1989. Science Stream Started on 1-7-1986.
Admissions for 2024 - 2025 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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