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Amiown (Play School), Gurgaon

School Name: Amiown (Play School), Gurgaon
Address: Sector-27, Gurgaon (Haryana)
State: Haryana   Schools in Haryana
City: Gurgaon   Schools in Gurgaon
Pincode: 122002
Country: India   Find schools in India
Telephone Number: 9971133582
Board: CBSE
Other Popular Names:
School Type: Kinder Garten, PrimarySchool

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About Amiown (Play School)

Amiown has four branches at different four places.
Adress for Gurgaon branch is Amiown Gurgaon, Sector 27, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.
Email id for this Amiown Gurgaon is The phone number of Amiown Gurgaon is 99-711-33582 .

Address for Noida branch is Amiown Noida Sector 44, Noida - 201303. Contact number for Amiown Noida is 98-187-04663, 0120-2432960 and email id is

Address for Ghaziabad branch is Amiown Vasundhra is Sector 6, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad - 201001. Email id of Amiown Vasundhra is and contact number is 99-589-83600.

Address for Delhi branch is Amiown Delhi is Sector 7, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi - 110017. Contact numbers for this school are 9910036580, 011-29561058. And email id for Amiown Delhi is

Management team includes Ms. Ritika Dhir as co-ordinator, Ms. Ritu Verma as coordinator, Ms. Neelam Choudhry, Ms Ashma Singh as advisor and International Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Surabhi Sharama as Counselor and Special Educator and Ms. Bindu selot, as parenting counselor.

Ms. Sapna Chauhan is vice chairperson.
Their curriculum is based on montessori aproach. but also includes Reggio Emillia Approach.

Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic Year

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    Updates & Comments:

    Posted By: Chitra Rana Raghav    Posted Date: 22 Apr 2014   
    First of all please replace or remove the description given, that is copied and pasted from the school's official website without any changes made.
    Amiown has four branches at different four places.
    Adress for Gurgaon branch is Amiown Gurgaon, Sector 27, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.
    Email id for this Amiown Gurgaon is The phone number of Amiown Gurgaon is 99-711-33582 .

    Address for Noida branch is Amiown Noida Sector 44, Noida - 201303. Contact number for Amiown Noida is 98-187-04663, 0120-2432960 and email id is

    Address for Ghaziabad branch is Amiown Vasundhra is Sector 6, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad - 201001. Email id of Amiown Vasundhra is and contact number is 99-589-83600.

    Address for Delhi branch is Amiown Delhi is Sector 7, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi - 110017. Contact numbers for this school are 9910036580, 011-29561058. And email id for Amiown Delhi is

    Management team includes Ms. Ritika Dhir as co-ordinator, Ms. Ritu Verma as coordinator, Ms. Neelam Choudhry, Ms Ashma Singh as advisor and International Curriculum Coordinator, Ms. Surabhi Sharama as Counselor and Special Educator and Ms. Bindu selot, as parenting counselor.
    Ms. Sapna Chauhan is vice chairperson.
    Their curriculum is based on montessori aproach. but also includes Reggio Emillia Approach.

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