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Podar International School, Hadapsar, Pune
Know contact details, phone number, admission procedure, etc of Podar International School Pune here. Offers great educational facilities compare to international standards. Contact now for admission at Podar International School Pune.
About Podar International School, Hadapsar, Pune
Podar International School, Pune is a new school which is open for admissions from academic year 2014. The most awaited international school in Pune city. Podar International School, Pune is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and managed by Podar Education Network.
Podar International School, Pune offers great study environment for students. Having big play ground, computer laboratory, book library, and many more. School bus services to pickup and drop your child for school. Also offers summer classes training for dance, music, exploration and many more. International standard teaching staff and specialist teachers for Music, Drawing, Dance etc.
For admission contact to school administrative office and conform your admission as soon as possible. You can contact helpline for more information about admission at Podar International School on this number 1800-103-8866.Admissions for 2025 - 2026 Academic YearPlease contact the school directly for the admission procedure in specific schools.
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